I have often wondered about the possibility of one universal prayer that would break through the barriers of all the different religious beliefs, and somehow connect everyone and not offend anyone…..tall order, huh??!! After all, if we were able to all connect like that, then I suppose we would have to give up war and other life-threatening dis-eases (oops, sorry, a little sarcasm just slipped out!!). As I have thought about that more and more, what keeps coming to me are prayers that I believe the indigenous people of the world might use. Or perhaps prayers of the “old ways” that were uttered long before religion became the institution that it is now.

So here is my version, which I am sure will bother some and not connect with others, but it is a beginning…..

Oh, Great Sprit of Life
We honor You and welcome You into our lives today
We are grateful for Your presence

Father Sky and Mother Earth
Thank You for the Air that we breathe
And the Land upon which we walk

As we look to the North
May we seek and find the Wisdom of the Buffalo
Likewise, we honor and welcome the Spirit of Leadership into our lives today
Teach us to be Benevolent
And to not walk the path of the tyrant or the weakling
But rather, in Your path of Order and Direction

As we look to the East
May we seek and find the Illumination of the Eagle
Likewise, we honor and welcome the Spirit of the Warrior into our lives today
Teach us to be Courageous
And to do no harm to ourselves or to others
But rather, to walk in Your path of Decisiveness and Determination

As we look to the South
May we seek and find the Spontaneity and Playfulness of the Coyote
Likewise, we honor and welcome the Spirit of the Lover into our lives today
Teach us to be Passionate
And to not walk in the path of the addict or the impotent
But rather, in Your path of Purpose and Commitment

And as we look to the West
May we seek and find the Introspection of the Bear
Likewise, we honor and welcome the Spirit of the Wizard into our lives today
Teach us the power of Internal Wisdom
And to not walk the path of denial or manipulation
But rather, in Your path of Boundaries and Insight

Oh Great Spirit
Thank you for the wholeness of Life that You give us
We ask You to lead to us to our own Highest Good
And to do the Highest Good for all…

Author's Bio: 

I provide mental health counseling, marriage counseling and relationship counseling to help professionals and their families eliminate stress, maximize success and create extraordinary relationships at home, at work and in the community. As a mental health counselor, marriage counselor and relationship counselor my number one goal is to help people as painlessly a possible complete the therapeutic process. I’ve been offering counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. My programs are focused on empowering people to have more successful lives, businesses and relationships. You’ll always find FREE Life and Relationship Success Special Reports at http://kendonaldson.com/ . I’m also the author of Marry YourSelf First! Say "I DO" to a Life of Passion, Power, Purpose and Prosperity http://www.marryyourselffirstbook.com/