There are many parts to building a successful entrepreneur business, but it first and foremost begins with understanding and remembering why you do the work you do. Then it's about clearly understanding who you serve, what their major struggles are, and how what you offer will make their life better. Finally, it's about reaching your ideal client in a way that has them eager to work with you. But most importantly, it's about managing your energy through it all.

Here are the 9 steps that I've found to be essential in building a business that's just loaded with rewarding purpose, joyful productivity and consistent flow of profit:

1 Claim Your Core Value Offer

It's important to be very clear about what you do and WHY you're doing it. There are no mistakes. Everyone and everything has a purpose. You have a unique gift to give - something that no one else can give. When you uncover this part of yourself - you truly begin to SHINE. This clarity also establishes an instant energy of enthusiasm, which is very attractive to prospective clients. The intention is to turn all that you do into an "energy magnet".

2 Magnetize Your Client Attraction Plan

Then you want to establish who would benefit most from working with you (your target market), the qualities of this client or customer and what is it exactly about the way you do what you do that has your work standing out from all others (your niche).

You use these discoveries to craft a message that has you extremely at ease with speaking about what you do, from having a conversation one-on-one to creating compelling copy for every piece of marketing material you use. It's important to be able to communicate your value to the people that need your services in a way that is honest, authentic to you, rooted in integrity. This is what gets you more clients because you're conveying what you have to offer to as many people as possible with an energy that naturally draws business to you. This way it's easy-breezy!

3 Move Beyond Entrepreneurial Fear

There are two major factors I've found that get in the way of womenpreneurs succeeding: fear and doubt. More often than not we get scared about what the "right way" to build a business is, what will happen if we actually DO succeed, and then feel doubtful about our ability to make a lot of money doing what we love, in a way that gives us plenty of free-time to do the other things in life we really enjoy. This is a big barrier to getting what you want. You want to nip this (or any type of similar block) in the bud right from the get-go so your energy is available for your clients and for taking your business to a bigger place.

4 Serve Your Business' Dire Needs

It's a MUST to prioritize what needs to get done and when. You can't do everything at once (although I know you often wish you could) and can actually get more done when you can identify what needs the most amount of your time, energy and focus first and then to distribute your resources from there. This is an invaluable skill to define and strengthen that will consistently put you in a place of growth: that's more clients and more money.

5 Establish Powerful Business Systems

It's such a relief when you put in place systems that have your business and your marketing (so important!) operating on autopilot. This frees up energy for you to use to consistently generate new business so that there is never a lull in clients or income. Start setting these systems up right away. It's the New Year - perfect timing. No need to get yourself distracted by this though. Start with the most important systems (operations, your offerings and your marketing) and let them improve over time as you develop a greater sense of what your system needs are (I always say the Universe is constantly handing you the next steps to your business - just open your eyes and ears along the way!)

6 Shift From Selling to Serving

Selling is really just about finding energetic matches, right?

When you are able to understand that your business is the optimal opportunity for you to provide a serving experience, everything changes. You want to have in place a specifically designed energetic process that allows your potential clients to come to a place of understanding and self-discovery that they want what you have. It's both an art and a science at the same time that strongly calls on the energetic power of partnering with Spirit to create more business for you, more results for those that you serve and a true sense of joy and ease for everyone.

7 Move Prospects to Profits

This is such an important system it gets it's own step J Put in place a strong, solid, specific system that has you moving prospects into high paying clients, consistently.

Remember, folks need to have their hand held as they walk over the bridge from where they currently are to joining you in your business (whether service or product). You are asking them to do something new by partnering with you. This process needs to be both served by you and respected by you. You MUST also be able to take a stand for the value of what your service can do for them (if it is a right match) while simultaneously being detached from the outcome. (This is the power of the EnergyRICH™ Prospects to Profits Process that I coach and teach on.) It's truly a place of confident serving. It changes everything about being in business. It makes it a whole lot easier and more fun! Doesn't get better than that, right?

8 Create Balance

Every entrepreneurial expert speaks about the need and the benefits of having business-life balance, but rarely do budding business owners put this into practice. Begin to focus right now on developing specific strategies tailored for you that consistently have you serving both your personal and professional needs so that you experience success on all levels (health, wealth, relationships--you name it). Let's face it--as a solo-entrepreneur if one area is out of whack you'll experience it in the others. You want success on all levels, right?

9 Be Considerably Huge: Mastering Mindset and Marketing

You have an incredible gift. It is literally a disservice to others for you to keep your talent and ability hidden, tucked away or reserved for only a few. You have an obligation to share what you do--on a large scale. It's time for you to shine.

Be sure to, on a daily basis, put in place a practice that supports bringing you to this bigger place from your mindset (if you find yourself asking "Why?" I would give you a coach's challenges to ask, "Why not?") to your marketing (find the best avenues that effectively work for you; whether that be networking, strategic partners, various uses of the media and more.)

EnergyRICH™ Call To Action:

Create a plan for the year that covers all 9 steps of the above system, even if it is short-sweet-to-the-point. Include time for yourself to work on your business, not just in your business. Give yourself space to develop and re-work your systems as much as needed - it will save you energy in the long run. You'll not only put your business on a smooth operating track, but the intention is you'll also more clients from your efforts.

Author's Bio: 

Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH(tm) Entrepreneur Success Coach, has over 12 years of teaching and coaching experience. Heather's primary focus is in coaching entrepreneurs to identify inner and outer sources for attracting clients and increasing business profit. To sign up to receive your free business building e-course go here now