A lot of women, and even sometimes men, start to panic as they reach the age of 30. They know that at this age, signs of aging will start to manifest in their skin. At the first sign wrinkles or skin blemish, many scramble to spas and dermatology clinics to have their botox injections, breast ...A lot of women, and even sometimes men, start to panic as they reach the age of 30. They know that at this age, signs of aging will start to manifest in their skin. At the first sign wrinkles or skin blemish, many scramble to spas and dermatology clinics to have their botox injections, breast lifts, or skin exfoliation.

There is really nothing wrong with having cosmetic surgery done, especially if you have the means. However, there are easier and cheaper ways to look younger. If you are interested in looking young naturally, read on:

Smile More Often

A number of old women are afraid to smile a lot because of fear of having laugh lines and more wrinkles on the face. Contrary to popular belief, a smile can actually lift your face and make it brighter and warmer. If you look at your face on the mirror, you will notice that your cheeks and eyes are a little bit drooping when you are not smiling. However, once you flash your pearly whites, the sagging will not be as noticeable as before. Furthermore, smiling can lift your spirit and mood so you don't get too cranky.

Have An Exam

Just like the other parts of your body, your eyes also start to degenerate and age. As soon as you reach 40, you will notice that your eyesight is not as good as before. As soon as you experience eye problems, you need to immediately have your eyes checked and get an appropriate eyewear.

Many women do not like the idea of wearing eyeglasses because this may make them look old. However, squinting because of poor eyesight could cause more damage for your skin. Frequent squinting can actually deepen your wrinkles. If you don't want to look like a granny, then buy a reading glass that is stylish and hip.

Wear A Well-Fitted Bra

Let's face it, when you reach a certain age, you breast will start to sag. And if they do, you need to buy a new bra that will help lift your boobs and shape them well. Just look around and you will see that there are a lot of women who are not wearing the right size and type of bra so they look older than they really are. Experts say that four out of five women in the US are wearing the wrong cup and size. If you are not really very good at choosing bra, then ask a sales person to help you. They are good at this so you have to listen to what they recommend.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

Even people who are young look older when they do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep could cause puffy eyes, dark circles and formation of fine lines. You do not want to add these problems to the many woes that you are already experiencing because of aging. If you want to look younger than you really are, then try to sleep soundly at least eight hours a day.

Go Raw

You need antioxidants to help the restoration and rejuvenation of your skin cells. One effective way of getting vitamins and minerals to help combat the aging process is by eating lots of raw vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, a diet that is full of leafy greens and orange produce will give your cheeks a natural rosy glow.

Don't Forget To Moisturize

You can moisturize your skin from within by drinking plenty of water. However, you need much more than water if you want to keep your face hydrated and silky smooth. Apply a high quality moisturizer on your face and neck twice a day and you will see a huge difference in the texture of your face. It would also be more beneficial if you choose a face cream that is designed to even your skin tone and get rid of age spots and wrinkles. One moisturizer that is ideal for aging skin like yours is Dermaxin. Know more about this exciting product by visiting http://tinyurl.com/8jkw6ma

Author's Bio: 

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine www.thearticleinsiders.com.