1. Get motivated to lose weight fast by saying "So That"
Ask yourself "Why do I want to lose weight" and after you come up with a reason why... Just keep on saying SO THAT so for example...
If I asked myself "Why I want to lose weight fast" - I may say...
- I want to lose weight to look better SO THAT...
- I can feel more confident about myself SO THAT...
- I can be the best looking person at my high school reunion SO THAT...
- I can see the surprised looks on the faces of my classmates SO THAT...
- I may be able to go on a date with the person I had a crush on in high school and...
The more times you say SO THAT = the more and more motivated you'll become to lose weight fast.
2. Eat 4 times a day 3-to-4 hours apart to prevent hunger &...
3. Eat at least 2 raw fruits &/or vegetables before each meal so...
- You can eat 2 carrots, an apple & a stick of celery or any combination of fruits & vegetables and doing this helps you lose weight fast because...
- Your body has to burn a lot of calories (burn lots of FAT) to digest all the raw fruits & vegetables you eat and since you're eating them 4 times a day you're going to lose weight fast and...
- Eating raw fruits & veggies (not cooked or steamed) will help you lose weight fast. FACT: Farmers feed pigs steamed or cooked veggies to fatten them up because they know raw veggies will slim them down and...
- Eating raw fruits & veggies and drinking ice cold water means you'll never get hungry, never have any cravings or a big appetite so you'll eat less and lose more weight faster and...
- Raw fruits & veggies remove toxins from your blood and once these toxins are gone the enzymes in the raw fruits & veggies liquefy and flush fat out of your body and...
- Make sure you AVOID fruit juices, dried fruit & canned fruit with sugar added and...
4. Eat 0-to-300 more calories after you eat the fruits & veggies so...
- Depending on how hungry you are (based on scale of 1-to-10 with 1 being satisfied and 10 being real hungry) you're going to eat 0-to-300 more calories of healthy complex carbs like oatmeal and/or lean proteins like baked chicken (see more fat burning foods here) but...
- If your hunger level is between 1-to-3 Eat 0-to-150 calories &...
- If your hunger level is between 4-to-7 Eat 100-to-200 calories &...
- If your hunger level is between 8-10 Eat 200-to-300 calories and...
5. Do a high intensity workout (like intervals) 1-to-2 times a day 3-to-4 days a week.
- In high intensity interval training you switch between doing something hard like running for 10-to-40 seconds and then for the next minute (or 60-to-90 seconds) you'd switch back to something easy like walking and... You'd keep switching back and forth like this between running for 10-to-40 seconds (the hard part) & walking for 60-to-90 seconds (the easy part) for 10-to-40 minutes and...
- You'll burn more calories doing intervals because they're more intense plus...
- Your body burns calories even after you've finished an interval workout because your fat-burning metabolism stays elevated for up to 4 hours after an interval workout and...
6. Drink at least 1 liter of Ice Cold water every day to boost your metabolism and...
Drinking Ice cold water raises your metabolism because The colder the water is = The more weight you'll lose because your body has to keep burning calories to heat the cold water back up to body temperature.
Here's An Example of How Your Meal Schedule Will Look Everyday...
- You'll have Meal #1 at 8:00 am and...
- You'll have Meal #2 at 12:00 pm and...
- You'll have Meal #3 at 3:30 pm and finally...
- You'll have Meal #4 at 7:00 pm and...
This is only an example so your schedule will probably be different from this but remember...
- Make sure you follow rules 3 & 4 for each meal and...
- Drink 16-to-20 ounces of ice cold water with each meal to get in your 1 liter of water each day and...
Here's A Sample Workout Schedule You Can Use To Lose 20 pounds fast...
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Mornings & Evenings
- Do a 10-to-40 minute high intensity workout (see #6 above) and If you're not in shape to do high intensity workouts...
Start off doing 45-to-90 minute moderate intensity workouts like walking at a fast pace until you're ready to do high intensity workouts and you want to AVOID LOW intensity workouts like walking at a slow pace because that will do almost nothing to help you lose 20 pounds as fast as possible and...
On Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday Mornings & Evenings
REST OR... Only do low or moderate intensity workouts on these days to allow your body to rest & recover from the high intensity workouts and depending on how important it is that you lose weight whether it be for a wedding, reunion or any other important event...
It's highly recommended that you NOT REST and keep doing easier lower-to-moderate intensity workouts like walking, jogging or riding a bike for 45-to-90 minutes and...
How much weight can you lose doing all of this?
The amount of weight you lose doing this plan mainly depends on how overweight you are so basically the more overweight you are = the more weight you'll lose in 3-to-4 weeks on this plan and a good rule of thumb to follow is this...
- If you're less than 20 lbs. overweight It may take you 4-to-8 weeks to lose 10-to-20 pounds on this plan and...
- If you're 20-to-50 lbs. overweight - You should seriously expect to lose 20 pounds and...
- If you're more than 50 lbs. overweight - You can lose a lot more than 20 pounds.
Adrian Bryant is the creator NowLoss.com and he knows every trick in the book to help you Lose weight fast and keep it off for good and if you don't believe NowLoss.com can help you look better then ask Ask Claudia Hawkins who lost over 50 pounds in 4 months or talk to Jimmy Dunes who went from 33% to 14% body fat in 90 days.
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