Public speaking is the worlds 3rd biggest phobia!
Yet it is the most natural, thing for humans to communicate to each other.
We in – fact present all day, every day, to friends, colleagues and family.
If you watched something really interesting on television last night, the next day you want to tell every one about it. When we think of public speaking we think of a large audience, a tuxedo and a podium. But in-fact it means presenting to two or more people at the same time. Every group meeting you attend, every Coffee break! So it isn’t actually a big deal is it! So, why are we so scared?
Here are some tips to make your next presentation a success.

1) Planning
Be prepared. Know your topic; research as much as you can.
Plan your speech, have a set structure. Know when you want to say what.
Use your slides as prompts if need be. The more prepared we are the more at ease we will feel. Find out who your audience is going to be. What does the room look like? The more you know the more comfortable you will feel.

2) Voice
38% of your communication is in your voice. A high-pitched shrill voice is very difficult to listen to, as is a flat monotonous voice. We need to ensure we are producing a good sound that can be heard by our audience. Our speech needs to be clear to ensure we are understood. Use variation in the pitch and pace. As well as making correct use of pause and emphasis. Some men battle to modulate the voice, while women generally need to correct a nasal high-pitched voice.

3) Body language
55% of your communication is in your Body Language. To be a great presenter you need to start becoming aware of your body language and what it is saying. Repetitive gestures or pacing while talking could detract from your presentation. Gestures need to be expressive, emphasizing what you are saying but at the same time neutral.

4) Brain and breathing

What’s going on in your head the moment you stand in front of an audience?
Are you your own worst enemy giving yourself a pep talk to failure?
Control your thoughts. Make them Positive ones. I am prepared. I can do this, no problem.
The first thing we do when we get nervous is we hold our breath.
This affects the voice, the brain can’t function as quickly as needed and we feel very uncomfortable. Don’t hold your breath, become aware of your breathing taking slow deep breaths into your diaphragm

5) Enjoy
Have fun, relax and really enjoy your time in the limelight.
If you are having a good time, chances are really good your audience is enjoying listening to you.

Delia Thompson from The Communication Academy runs a two-day workshop in Midrand entitled “Confident Communication”: where all these issues and more are addressed. ;
Email or call us on (012) 3455828 /
(012) 345 6861. In-house workshops available.

Author's Bio: 

Delia Thompson has an ATCL and LTCL Speech tuition,from the Trinity College of LONDON. Associated to Cambridge University.
Her experience in media includes presenting a business show for SABC. She was interviewed live on World News SABC ( a six minute interview) in 2006. She is a working voice specialist for radio and has had several educational articles she authored published in the Star Newspaper in 2006.
She has been featured in several magazines over the last 10 years.

She was trained by and conducted workshops on behalf of Speakers International A training company based in LONDON.
There clients include:
And as the Communication Academy many of the fortune 200 companies in London, have gained from her personal coaching