As you get older, you’ll likely notice differences in how your body functions. Unfortunately, this may involve losing certain abilities that you once had and experiencing certain health problems that are known to affect older generations. However, if you take certain precautions and exercise greater care as you age, you’ll have a better chance of managing these bodily changes with less difficulty. Here are four ways that your body might be letting you down as you age.

Diminished Physical Fitness

Strength, stamina and flexibility usually become less with age, and this can make exercising and performing other physical tasks more difficult. Your sense of balance may also decrease as you get older. According to, sarcopenia, or muscle loss, is more common in adults who are over the age of 50, and you can lessen the effects of this condition by consuming enough protein and healthy calories in your diet and making exercise a regular part of your life.

More Dental Problems

The health of your teeth and gums won’t necessarily diminish with age, but older people tend to experience more dental problems because of other factors. Medications that older people frequently take often have side effects that affect dental health. Years of wear and tear on your teeth and gums may also cause you more dental problems. Your dentist can provide you with additional preventative dental care that may help you retain optimal dental health as you get older.

Slower Metabolism

Many people experience slower metabolism with age, and this can affect your body’s ability to burn calories and manage fat as efficiently. A loss of muscle mass and the fact that some older people tend to exercise less can slow metabolism. Your body’s metabolic processes will likely slow naturally as you age, and this can especially effect how well your body burns calories while you’re at rest. Some of the best ways to prevent your metabolism from slowing as much is by incorporating more resistance and high-intensity interval training into your exercise routine and getting enough sleep each night.

Decreased Cognitive Functioning

Your mental sharpness could also take a hit as you get older. You might have trouble remembering certain people, places and events as easily. Maintaining mental focus can also become more difficult in your older years. Even though some loss of memory and other mental mishaps are expected to occur as you age, you should see a doctor if you notice major changes in your cognitive functioning.

You and your body likely won’t function as harmoniously as you advance toward your golden years. By taking the right preventative measures and listening to your body, you’ll likely have an easier time managing your physical and mental functioning as you age.

Author's Bio: 

Anica is a professional content and copywriter who graduated from the University of San Francisco. She loves dogs, the ocean, and anything outdoor-related. You can connect with Anica on Twitter @AnicaOaks.