1 Sure-Fire Way to Get Networking Results
by Heather Dominick,
EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success Coach
I remember being introduced to the concept of "business networking" when I started my first business. I thought, I will NEVER be able to do this. I remember getting ready to go to my first networking event and whining to my husband (then boyfriend), "I was miserable at this kind of thing when I was dating! How could this ever help my business?"
And then I realized about networking what I've come to know about so many aspects of building business ...
It was ME that needed to change.
So here is 1 Sure-Fire INNER and OUTER EnergyRICH® Tip for you to begin to use right away so that you get the most from the time, money and energy you invest in networking:
Shift your energy away form "getting" to "giving."
What I didn't like about dating events was that I felt on display and like I had to prove something so that I could try to get someone to like me. It was this same energy that I was NOT looking forward to encountering in business networking. Standing in a restaurant somewhere with a stiff smile on my face pretending that I cared what some insurance guy (not that insurance isn't important) was saying to me?!
Or worse going to an event and exchanging business cards as quickly as possible without making any real connections and then trying to follow-up with these people and "get them" to buy my service?! No way!
And then for one event I thought to myself, what would happen when I spoke about my business if I really spoke from my heart (rather than worrying about saying the "right thing") and I just CHOSE to see the light in each person I met and to really dig deep to see what I could GIVE to each person - - something of real value, something that would make a difference to them, to their business, to their life. Wahla!
Everything changed.
First, I no longer felt dread and exhaustion.
Second, I started meeting some REALLY great people. (Some folks that I am still in touch with to this day.)
Third, business started to pick up... and often NOT from the direct person that I gave to (that's a little EnergyRICH® Secret I just gave you).
One of my favorite memories is from a guest who visited my very first BNI (Business Networking International) group. It turned out that she was a representative for the Trading Association on Wall Street in New York City. She sent out the information about my business (my first business was as a Nutrition and Wellness Coach) to EVERY trader in the association. (Just FYI: most traders have terrible diets.) I filled half of my practice from that connection. And that was in my first 6 months of business.
And that's just my FAVORITE story like that. There are tons more.
But I truly believe the energy is the foundation to ALL of it. If I had been closed off, angry, resentful, annoyed about being at that meeting (i.e. What's the point? These things don't work anyway?) I have a hard time believing that connection would have happened.
So get clear about what your intention is before any type of networking opportunity. (And what you can authentically GIVE, not just get.)
EnergyRICH® Call To Action:
1 Look at your calendar for the next 6 months.
2 Plug in at least 2 networking possibilities for each month.
3 Be prepared to GIVE something of value to each person you connect with.
4 What do you need to do feel JOY about these events/meetings? Let yourself begin to get creative and think out of the box … what could you do to jazz and juice-up networking for yourself?
Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success Coach, coaches entrepreneurs to identify inner and outer sources for attracting clients and increasing business profit. Are you ready to build your business from a place of serving and abundance rather than scarcity? Then sign up to receive your free 5 Part EnergyRICH Entrepreneur E-course here now www.energyrichcoach.com
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