Before Parkinson's disease was diagnosed with you or a close relative, you were probably aware of only the most prominent symptoms of the disease, such as tremor, muscle stiffness, and slowed movements. But the disease has many more symptoms.

Some Parkinson's symptoms are visible, while others are not, which may stand in the way of a correct diagnosis of the disease. People with Parkinson's often have difficulty associating certain symptoms of Parkinson's disease or other causes. So, if you discover a new disease sign and you are not sure if it is a Parkinson's symptom, talk to your doctor so the symptom can be assigned and helped.

10 Less Known Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Sleep problems: Various sleep problems may be associated with Parkinson's disease, such as: As insomnia, drowsiness during the day and REM sleep behavior disorders.

Depression and anxiety disorders: Although the receipt of the serious diagnosis may well trigger depressive moods, depression is also one of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

Vocal range: Parkinson's can make the voice volume slighter and speech less clear. These problems occur in the coordination of the breath. In addition, it is difficult to always speak at the same speed, which suffers the intelligibility. People who sing often hear that their musicality is attacked by Parkinson's disease. A treatment plan with a speech therapist can help.

Loss of the sense of smell: The majority of Parkinson's patients suffer from the loss of their sense of smell. This symptom is often one of the first disease features.

Cognitive problems: Some Parkinson's patients suffer from memory loss, difficulty with multitasking, or difficulty concentrating. These symptoms, however, are different from the symptom Parkinson's dementia.

Parkinson's disease patients often suffer from orthostatic hypotension: It is a sudden fall in blood pressure. This occurs when the patient switches from a seated or lying position to an upright position or stands upright for too long. The symptoms of a drop in blood pressure are dizziness, extreme weakness and blurred vision (eg, 'black veil' in front of the eyes). Normally, the autonomic nervous system regulates the arterial blood pressure, even with a change of posture. In Parkinson's patients, however, this no longer happens automatically because the disease attacks the autonomic nervous system.

Dystonia: Dystonia is a movement disorder. The coordination of our movements in the brain is disturbed in dystonia patients, resulting in involuntary, uncontrollable muscle contractions and cramps. Parkinson's patients experience gait disorders and increasingly also fine motor disorders on the hands and arms.

Parkinson's cover face: Speech and swallowing can become more difficult, the patient can speak more quietly and monotonously. The facial and neck muscles become weaker and lose mobility. In pronounced cases one speaks then of the so-called "parkinson mask face".

Author's Bio: 

Imon is a freelance writer. He generally writes on health & food blogs.