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Wisdom For Living Ministries, Inc.Providing biblical guidance to help addicts permanently overcome their addiction and to learn how to set goals to achieve abundant living Views: 20
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Wolf packthis is a place to get together and help each other thru lifes bends and twists and turns. when each of us fall, some one will be there to help that person up. We can not do it alone, we need others to get by. Remeber the strength of the wolf is the pack and the strength of the pack is the wolf. Views: 20
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Access CounsellingSite of Access Counselling offering a wide range of counselling services in Victoria Canada Views: 19
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Addiction Education ConsultantsAddiction Education Consultants is an outpatient program located in Broward County Florida. The site provides the philosophy, services provided, and biographies of the staff. Views: 19
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Addiction Recovery Institute"Personalized treatment programs for heroin detox, OxyContin detox, Vicodin detox and other opiates such as Demerol, Fentanyl, MS Contin and Methadone." Views: 19
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addiction treatmentA Los Angeles addiction treatment center, Residential and Outpatient treatment center, Clearview provides comprehensive highly effective addiction treatment and counseling in a safe, personal and confidential setting. Views: 19
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Addiction Treatment Center - Lakeview Health SystemsLakeview Health is a rehab facility providing all areas of addiction treatment including programs for rehab, detox, and dual-diagnosis treatment. Lakeview offers a safe, compassionate environment for recovery, while building solid support structures for their patients' futures. Views: 19
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Affordable Drug Treatment for Men at 10 Acre RanchLong-term, affordable residential drug and alcohol rehab for men, with a focus on relapse prevention. Our low cost treatment facility is located in Riverside, California. All programs are 12-step based. Views: 19
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AlcoholDrugSOS Services: Licensed Addictions Counseling OnlineOnline and telephone addictions counseling support services with same day answers to questions, DUI/DWI evaluations, daily recovery tips, supplemental help for those already in recovery, help for significant others, and help for seniors and military veterans with drug or alcohol concerns. Views: 19
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Allies In Mental HealthAIMH is a private clinic whose mission is to provide quality mental health and chemical dependency treatment in a confidential and caring environment. AIMH is staffed by licensed professionals who fulfill the needs of Wood County and the surrounding area. Views: 19
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Bright Eye Alcohol CounselingAn online counselling and psychology service for people having problems with alcohol or drugs. A cognitive behavioral approach which encourages you to develop your own solutions. The service provides extensive psychological resources to complement the online therapy sessions. Views: 19
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Drug and Alcohol TreatmentFree directory of drug rehabs and alcohol treatment centers nationwide in order to help people get off drugs and on with their lives. Views: 19
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Drug Rehab and Drug Treatment CenterDrug rehab and drug treatment center dedicated to eliminate drug abuse through drug-free drug rehabilitation. Views: 19
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Easyway BristolStopsmoking website using the World renown Allen Carr method with it's unique 3 month money back guarantee. This method is also used successfully for alcohol ang weight control Views: 19
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Eating Disorder Referral and Information CenterDedicated to the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. provides free referral for anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, eating disorder NOS, obesity and all other eating and exercise disorders. Views: 19
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Family Recovery from Drug AddictionInformation for families who are dealing with a drug abuser, geared towards support of the family unit, including symptoms and safety information. This also includes help for current drug users.
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Health care infoInternational Drug Mart forum which contains discussion board on numerous health related topics including addiction, anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease etc… Views: 19
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Lakeview Freedom RingsFreedom Rings by Lakeview Health is a gay friendly addiction treatment program. With individualized treatment planning, and a staff knowledgeable in such things as coming out and internalized homophobia, we offer an environment that will make your recovery a lasting one. Views: 19
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