Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
Suboxone Detox Treatment Doctor"Stephen Gilman, M.D. Addiction Psychiatrist in NYC specializing in opiate addiction treatment using buprenorphine detox (Suboxone treatment, Subutex treatment). Free information on treatment for heroin, Vicodin, Oxycontin, and Percocet addictions." Views: 26
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The Sex Addicted Brain!!A lively, colorful, upbeat and often irreverent but always respectful look at the science behind the mind of the sex addicted brain! A general audience blog about the neuroscience of sexual addiction and arousal dysregulation - the legacy of toxic childhood.
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AA SquaredOur mission is to help people overcome their addictions to drugs and alcohol with our cutting edge nutritional supplements and treatments. Our nutrition based system boasts up to an 80% success rate in helping clients permanantly conquer addictions. Views: 25
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Brave New Kitty-Development is a personal development blog with a philosophical angle and a focus on healing from dysfunctional family issues. Views: 25
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Bridges Treatment and RecoveryBridges Treatment and Recovery website includes more information about addiction to alcohol and other drugs, as well as a drug library. You can also view the HBO Addiction Series at Views: 25
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Great Lakes Recovery Centers HomepageHomepage for GLRC. Provider in Northern Michigan for drug and alcohol recovery. Inpatient (residential) and outpatient treatment for adolescents and adults. Views: 25
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www.thepathway.orgThe Solution Method was developed at the University of California San Francisco and named "One of the 10 Top Medical Advances of the Year" by Health. It retrains the feeling brain to decrease cravings and enhance development, health and happiness. Free intro workshop. Views: 25
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Addiction EducationEducation to help understanding why various addictions are created, and aids in the process of exchanging harmful addictions with beneficial ones. Views: 24
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Addiction Free ForeverAn inexpensive, proven 10 phase method that guarantees a permanent end to an addiction (including alcohol and drugs) in a short amount of time without having to give up the addiction until there is a natural peace and strength to do so. Views: 24
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Alcohol and Drug Guide"This site brings you alcohol and drug information, genuine alcohol and drug facts and information about addiction, research-based information on alcohol and drugs, not opinion or propaganda. It contains information about who takes drugs, what drugs they take and the effects of those drugs. It also contains information about the history of drugs. Also if you are worried about your drinking, concerned that you might be drinking too much or think you might be an alcoholic then you can get a quick free assessment here using the tool that most doctors use. Instant feedback." Views: 24
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Alcohol Treatment Center & Drug RehabProvides discreet & private individual therapy for permanent recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Based in Malibu, California. Views: 24
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McGraw and Associates, LLCDr. Kathy McGraw is the founding partner of McGraw and Associates, LLC which is a mental health and coaching firm. Dr. McGraw is a life, relationship, communication, and parenting coach. She is also a psychotherapist who works with children, couples, and families. Views: 24
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Mental Gymnastics Designs is a unique conference format composed/structured for addiction specialists,chemical abuse professionals,university students, families of/and addicts in recovery/rehabilitation delivered in english and/or spanish Views: 24
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Simply Quit DrinkingAll about how to quit drinking and recover to a whole, spiritual life of happiness. Views: 24
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Soaring Above Co-AddictionResources, Inspiration, and hope for the countless people who have a loved one suffering with addiction. Views: 24
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The HAMS Harm Reduction NetworkHAMS stands for Harm reduction, Abstinence, and Moderation. The HAMS Harm Reduction Network is a free of charge peer-led support group for people who use alcohol or other mood altering substances. Views: 24
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"The Lenair Healing Center""Rhonda Lenair-renowned medical intuitive, healer, addiction specialist" Views: 23
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