Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
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Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment for WomenDrug rehab and alcohol treatment programs exclusively for women, offering comprehensive assessments for drug addiction and alcoholism at no cost. Views: 18
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Freedom From Porn AddictionShedding light on the truths of pornography use, instilling hope in those that are caught in the darkness of addiction, inspiring action and providing tips & tools to help facilitate the success that will come to all those who wish it. Views: 18
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gateway to recoveryGateway is a private and confidential treatment center dedicated to providing the absolute best addiction services possible Views: 18
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Hanley CenterHanley Center is a preferred provider of addiction treatment, prevention and education located in beautiful West Palm Beach Florida on a campus setting Views: 18
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Jared MoreYou can detox privately and painlessly at Poinciana at Palm Beach. Your life is waiting - take it back Views: 18
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Judy Goodman - 'Beyond Conventional Wisdom'Judy Goodman, CPC, CSRC, CRC is one of the most gifted teachers/motivational speakers today, teaching 'beyond conventional wisdom.’ Subject of an award winning book, featured on radio and television. Board member of Heartlight, Faculty member of Kaiser of Denver.
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Kathy Radina PsychotherapyI help teens with depression, substance abuse, parental communication, anxiety, and peer relationships. Committed to families, I think growth is a result of a conscious relationship. I have explored strategies specifically designed to help couples communicate effectively, problem solve and fight fair. Can I help you? Views: 18
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LifeCampInformation about personal empowerment coaching specializing in addiction recovery and rehabilitation. We work primarily with people who cannot afford to go away to a rehab center. Views: 18
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LifeCare Counseling ServicesLifeCare is an individual, marriage and family counseling service located in Carmel, Indiana and serves residents of Indianapolis, Fishers, Noblesville, Westfield, Kokomo, Greenwood, and Zionsville, Indiana.
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My Expert SolutionWe offer access to the world's experts,through an online offering in partnership with Planetary Streams International, Users can submit their question about anything from education, finance, relationships and experts respond online in 24 hours. For more info please contact Danielle at Views: 18
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NOVA AssociatesPrivate and confidential services for those with alcohol, drug, or psychiatric problems. Information for the public on topics of concern. Views: 18
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Residential Treatment Centers"for defiant teens. Let us help your troubled teen through treatment at treatment centers, boarding schools, or even boot camp." Views: 18
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Seiser Institute of IdentityTherapy LLCIdentityTherapy focuses on a positive identity for the future instead of the negative behaviors of the past. IdentityTherapy was created from 30 years of clinical treatment of offenders, victims, and families of violence, trauma, abuse, and addiction. Views: 18
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Serenity Prayer GiftsWelcome to Serenity Prayer Gifts where you'll find posters, cards, tee shirts, apparel, and other items featuring the beauty and wisdom of the Serenity Prayer.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change
Courage to change
the things I can
And wisdom
to know the difference
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Southworth Associates, Interventions, Monitoring, ConsultingJohn Southworth and his team are actively involved in the field of substance abuse and mental health counseling and treatment. Services are provided nation-wide and include interventions, monitoring, consulting, education and referral services. Views: 18
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The Ultimate Quit Smoking Guide"The Ultimate Quit Smoking Guide is right up-to-date with helpful information to make quitting smoking a breeze. Chock full of handy, free tips, it also has a number of comprehensive resources, such as Quit for Good 7 Day Stop Smoking Program and 101 Terrific Quit Smoking Tips." Views: 18
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Virginia Addiction MedicinePrescription Drugs Assistance, Suboxone certified physicians and addictionologists. Views: 18
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"Just Pray NO!" Ltd. Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and FastingAnnual Worldwide Weekend of Prayer and Fasting Make a personal commitment to pray for the addicted. Learn how groups can participate in our annual prayer event. Find help for addiction through prayer and Christian ministries.
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