Candace Plattor is The Official Guide to "Addiction and Recovery". You can find complete information on Candace Plattor and her products by visiting Candace Plattor.
Assisted RecoveryAssisted Recovery Centers of America (ARCA) is a non-12 Step, evidence-based alcoholism & opiate treatment recovery program utilizing research-proven anti-craving medications, together with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). We use best practices derived from scientific research Views: 10
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CORE Life CoachingCORE Life Coaching is a private program and course to help navigate your way through life’s ups and downs that each of us experience, as well as those additional hills and valleys that often seem impassable without support of experienced counsel. Views: 10
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Detach From PornA self-development approach to overcoming an addiction to raunchy materials and content on the web. This website provides a great ebook for guys on solution-oriented strategies to tame their craving. Views: 10
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Drug Rehab Alternative ProgramAn alternative Drug Rehab Program to conventional Drug and Alcohol Rehab Treatment Centers. Offering permanent solutions for alcoholism and drug addiction recovery. Views: 10
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Harmony Group | Treatment for AddictionHarmony Group is a drug rehab treatment center. Are you an alcoholic / drug addict? Ask yourself the following; For treatment of addiction disorders. Views: 10
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Life Recovery ProgramInternationally awarded and entirely online mental health recovery and wellness program. Recover your life over stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD/Trauma and addiction. The Life You Can Save, is Your Own! Views: 10
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Recovery and Life Rebuilding for the Functioning AlcoholicLet this website be your central source for understanding and dealing with alcoholism or alcohol abuse, whether it's you or your partner with the alcohol problem, and let Dr. Neill guide you through recovery as you rebuild your marriage and your new life after addiction. Free audio book download. Views: 10
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Rehabs is Asia's leading resource for information about addiction treatment and rehabilitation programs in Asia. Views: 10
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The NLP ExperienceNLP Practitioner Training,
NLP Master Practitioner Training,
NLP for Business and Personal Success,
Life Coaching,
Success Coaching,
Relationship Coaching,
Phobia removal,
Smoking Cessation,
Weight Loss,
Irrational fear removal,
Habit busting, Views: 10
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GraspingthoughtsA Website primarily concerned with areas of Self Improvement, social interactions, human perceptions, perspectives and thoughts.
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Insanity to Serenity, a journey from addiction to recoveryJane Thompson Lloyd is the author of Insanity to Serenity, her personal memoir about the struggle and the journey of recovery from addiction. Lloyd gives personal insight and reasoning behind writing and publishing this raw and engaging memoir. Views: 9
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Phoenix PsychotherapyOffering assistance with conflict resolution, problem gambling, substance abuse, addictions, marital, or relationship problems. Offering organizational and business coaching, personal mediation and communication/sales training. Utilizing: Hypnotherapy, EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral, Rational Emotive, and 12 Step therapies. Views: 9
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Post Acute WithdrawalPost Acute Withdrawal is the leading cause of relapse among addicts and alcoholics, but few people have heard of this debilitating condition. This website is dedicated to providing information, resources and treatment options for post acute withdrawal and living life free from the chains of addiction. Views: 9
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Recovery Is For EveryoneA site that is based on addiction recovery, but also self improvement for everyone. Views: 9
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STABLE RecoverySTABLE Recovery is a blog about living a balanced, healthy life in recovery. STABLE is an acronym for Strength To Achieve Balanced Living Everyday. Views: 9
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The Mentally Disturbed and Drug AddictedThe Mentally Disturbed and Drug Addicted is an informational site directed towards mental illness and substance abuse. Creating a portal into the minds and thoughts of those who are suffering from disorders of the mind is the first step of erasing stigmas that plague those of this sub-culture. Views: 9
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www.treatmentcoordination.netNational treatment referral and placement service specializing in assessment for chemical dependency, drug addiction, PTSD, eating disorders, personality disorders, alcoholism and dual diagnosis. Views: 9
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Addiction Help 4 UThis a site to provide help and support for addicts, alcoholics and their families. Views: 8
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Alcoholicoutsiderartist.blogspot.com52 year old recovering alcoholic. When I stopped drinking, I started drawing and now I cant stop. Everything I have today I owe to the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and a daily relationship with God. I try to carry the message and give away what was freely given to me through my art. Views: 8
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