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From fertilization to delivery, pregnancy requires a number of steps in a woman’s body. One of these steps is when a fertilized egg travels to the uterus to attach itself. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg doesn’t attach to the uterus. Instead, it may attach to the ... Views: 331
Sperm motility is the ability of sperm to move efficiently. This is important in fertility because sperm need to move through the woman’s reproductive tract to reach and fertilize her egg. Poor sperm motility can be a cause of male factor infertility.
In this article, we look at the impact of ... Views: 378
If a woman wishes to become pregnant, a doctor may prescribe medications to regulate menstrual periods and encourage ovulation. Surgery may be an option if medication does not improve fertility.
Laparoscopic ovarian drilling is a surgical option. In this procedure, the surgeon makes small ... Views: 311
What is a miscarriage?
A miscarriage is also known as pregnancy loss. Up to 25 percent of all clinically diagnosed pregnancies end in miscarriage.
A miscarriage is most likely to occur in the first 13 weeks of pregnancy. Some women may experience miscarriage before they realize they were ... Views: 363
In order to extract and fertilize the eggs during IVF, doctors generally follow the same process every
time. Once fertilization has occurred, there are a few different options available for embryo transfer:
Fresh embryo transfer: Once eggs have been fertilized, they are cultured for 1-2 ... Views: 432
There are still differences in practice as to how many embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus. In many cases, only one fertilized embryo is transferred to the uterus, while other doctors believe that two fertilized embryos increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
According to ... Views: 381
What is PCOS?
Most women with PCOS grow a number of small cysts, or fluid-filled sacs, on their ovaries. The cysts are not harmful, but they can lead to an imbalance in hormone levels.
Women with PCOS may also experience menstrual cycle abnormalities, increased androgen (sex hormone) ... Views: 389
Women with PCOS have irregular or discontinued periods. The regular menstrual cycle is 28 days with one ovulation when the eggs are released, but anywhere between 21 and 35 days is considered normal. polycystic ovarian syndrome irregular periods can also be defined as:
• Eight or less than ... Views: 401
You can find enough articles with this website in order to fill two novels, therefore it can sometimes be intimidating to know how to get started. Listed here are exactly what many believe to be my own" greatest hits," my finest articles which are the very used, the very common, or experienced ... Views: 570
Polycystic ovarian syndrome symptoms affect the hormones and disturb the women during their reproductive years (from 15 to 44). Between 2.6% and 30% of women in this age group have visible polycystic ovarian syndrome symptoms. Many women have PCOS but don’t know it.
PCOS affects the ovaries of ... Views: 435
Summer is here and it’s time to protect your gorgeous skin from the harsh sun with effective UV protection. Thanks to growing public awareness, tanning is on it way out, but your skin can still get damaged by UV rays even if you’re barely in the sun. Here is everything you need to know about ... Views: 469
Pregnancy is a natural process which is a beautiful experience. It is the process of bringing out the offspring to the world. Sometimes people face difficulties to give birth to the baby naturally . At that time IVF (in-vitro fertilization) procedure comes into the play. Your doctor may advise ... Views: 400
To enhance the quality of a patient’s life, doctors are specializing in various new treatments and procedures. Thanks to the latest technology, the use of Cosmetic medicine has evolved dramatically. Now the general population is using the cosmetic surgery to their advantage, and this percentage ... Views: 735
You get confused when you miss your regular period and also test negative for pregnancy. This is a very common incident in women , though some are well informed about this fact and while others get anxiety due to this. So, what is “missed period”? Well, if you are not getting your menstrual flow ... Views: 349
The joy of becoming a mother is priceless for every woman and the absence of menstruation (period) can be an auspicious sign of the arrival of this happiness. If menstruation does not come on time, then the first question that arises in the mind of any woman is whether she is pregnant or ... Views: 419
Let us explore 5 beneficial remedies that you simply may try at home to urge obviate dandruff easily:
Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil:
- Mix juice and Coconut oil in equal ratio in a bowl. Massage this mixture on the scalp gently. Let it remain for half an hour.
- Wash it off with a light ... Views: 470
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women during their childbearing years. Women with PCOS may have infrequent menstrual periods or excess male hormone levels. Due to this hormone imbalance its harder for them to get pregnant.
PCOS also causes excess hair ... Views: 413
Surrogacy has become a key point for many couples looking for ways to build their families. They partner with reliable agencies to help them in screening Surrogate Mothers.
Surrogacy is a delicate and sensitive procedure with health being one of the most important factors. The agency and the ... Views: 845
PCOS is one of the common problems in women marked mainly by amenorrhea, hirsutism, excessive weight gain or obesity, infertility, and ovarian expansion. The syndrome is usually triggered by the upsurge in the level of male hormones (androgen) or estrogen, which results in an abnormal cycle of ... Views: 450
The Thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. The hormones produced by thyroid glands regulate our body's metabolism. Different types of thyroid disorders affect either its structure or function.
When your thyroid produces too many ... Views: 393
Facial hair removal with generic Vaniqa cream
Facial hair occurs in both women and men, and is consequence of the hormones which appear during puberty. Boys usually develop facial hair between 14 and 16 years old, while women develop it after the first period. While men tend to later style ... Views: 941
In India, it is projected that 7% to 14% of women at their reproductive age suffer from lean polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) according to the survey of conquering PCOS. A lean polycystic ovarian syndrome is a fertility fitness syndrome in women that disturbs the body’s endocrine edifice. ... Views: 540
Breast Cancer is normal among ladies from all around the globe. Despite the fact that one can't help in keeping away from any such condition and would require breast cancer treatment in India, one can most likely be taught progressively about it and at any rate attempt to forestall it. Likewise, ... Views: 511
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is one of the most commonly found medical complexities amongst women. In PCOS, several cysts get developed in the ovaries. A lot of hormonal changes take place due to that and cause an obstruction in the normal ovulation process. The diagnosis of polycystic ... Views: 559
Infertility is a problem among masses these days. Many people have started talking about infertility lately.
Infertility is a condition where a couple is unable to reproduce. On average it takes 5 to 7 months for a couple to conceive and it does not matter even if they take more than 5 to 7 ... Views: 571
Remember one thing, infertility is not a disease but an outcome of diseases. So, you can surely become pregnant if you treat those diseases effectively.
Around one in seven couples around the globe are now suffering from infertility. This infertility can be due to female infertility, male ... Views: 636
Preventative gynecology care and wellness is a good way of managing your health. You can prevent diseases and identify diseases at the earliest stage when they are easy to treat. Integrated Family Medical Center specialists advise that women go for preventive care screening services as they help ... Views: 414
Exеrсіѕе is an еѕѕеntіаl part in the lіfе оf every wоmаn whо wants to lооk gооd and feel healthy. Lооkіng gооd соuld mean bеіng іn proper ѕhаре fоr mаnу women. Exеrсіѕе іѕ thе bеѕt wау to get a wеll tоnеd bоdу, аnd losing thе еxtrа fаt thаt mаkеѕ you look unattractive. Mоѕt of the wоmеn rеlу ... Views: 401
According to medical experts, about 85% of women struggle with postpartum stress after childbirth. During this period, some of them are also likely to grapple with chronic pain, hormonal imbalance, physical changes, and insomnia. These conditions interfere with a mother's quality of life ... Views: 735
In line with the Endometriosis Association, endometriosis has an effect on 5.5 million women in america and Canada, and hundreds of thousands far more worldwide and among which, 30%-40Per cent girls with endometriosis are the inability to conceive,endometriosis gets one of several top three ... Views: 385
Let us try to understand how IV detox can help prevent morbidity and mortality and keep your chronic inflammatory markers under control to ensure that even if exposed to infections your body is able to cope up with the disease.
our liver is the largest gland and the largest organ of ... Views: 582
When it comes to acne, it doesn’t just affect teenagers—but also some adults in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and even older. Hormonal acne is women can be frustrating. It manifests as deep pimples on the cheeks, jawline, chin, and even one’s neck. It’s usually worse around someone’s period. Although ... Views: 733
There's an impeccable feeling of being comfortable in the living room and returning home with smooth, flushed skin. As much as we love the two whole hours of royal treatment and say goodbye to our bad skin at a living room, we don't always have time to go to a "facials near me" salons because of ... Views: 502
Recently, ovarian cancer has caused the attention of all parties in the society. In recent years, the age of cancer patients has gradually decreased. It has to be said that staying up late, stress from the working family and long-term depression of the mood lead to endocrine problems, which ... Views: 391
Besides Vitamin D, as mention in part three, Biotin and the mineral Zinc, are needed by our body to convert nutrients into energy. It is essential to one’s daily body function. Biotin has a vital role in maintaining strong and healthy nails and hair. Exactly how biotin works is unclear. It’s ... Views: 658
There’s no precise test to diagnose and identify polycystic ovary syndrome. The doctor follows an elimination or exclusion strategy for the right PCOS diagnosis. This means your doctor will thoroughly examine you first to rule out the causes that could possibly lead to the occurrence of the ... Views: 540
A great supplement one needs to have healthy skin and nails is vitamin D. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is made on our skin upon sun exposure. It provides many biological effects on our body including promoting bone health, modulating inflammation, and hair health. Research has ... Views: 728
The next on this amazing list is Vitamin E. It is an important nutrient, like Vitamin C, that has antioxidant properties. In fact the two often work together. Vitamin E helps to prevent DNA damage caused by the sun and pollutants. This nutrient helps to strengthen our immune system and to ... Views: 572
Hyperandrogenemia is claimed as a conceivable cause of EPL inwomen with PCOS. Presence of hyperandrogenemia and/or clinical hyperandrogenism is measured to be ultimate cause for PCOS diagnosis.
Insulin Resistance and Early Pregnancy Loss in PCOS
Women with PCOS are believed to have a strong ... Views: 467
Let’s begin with Vitamin C. Lately, I’m sure we’ve much about Vitamin C when it comes to learning about building one’s immunity pertaining to the coronavirus. Vitamin C is important for one’s body and skin health. It is an essential nutrient necessary for our skin to make collagen. Collagen ... Views: 576
Most people seek breast augmentation and implant for several reasons. The desire to have a larger breast is just one of them. Breast implants can rectify noticeable asymmetry. If your breast suffers from tuberous deformities, implants can help you smile again. Other goals of breast implant ... Views: 558
Polycystic ovarian syndrome infertility affects negatively because women with PCOS cannot ovulate, or Produce an egg, regularly because of the over-production of estrogen by the ovaries. Since the process of ovulation does not occur often, the period's cycle becomes unbalanced and elevated the ... Views: 451
Diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes in PCOS
Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome are inclined to develop gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes that advances during pregnancy), regardless of whether a woman is overweight or not. The level of insulin significantly increases in the second and ... Views: 402
More than 50% of women diagnosed with PCOS are overweight. Insulin is responsible for the sugar in the food to get converted into usable energy. It also helps the body store unused food energy as fat and helps break down fat and protein. When the body is insulin-resistant, it produces even more ... Views: 541
Who doesn’t want healthy-looking skin? Skin that makes one glow! Our human body comes in contact with so many toxins, from environmental factors to food consumption, on a regular basis. So, of course, who would want to keep one’s body clean and toxin-free?
Activated charcoal is a gentle, ... Views: 656
If you're someone who suffers from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and wants to know ways of managing it naturally, you have to pay attention to the amount of sleep you're getting. Getting enough rest is important. If you were to ask me to rate the factors that are critical to managing PCOS in their ... Views: 463
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a condition that occurs when excess androgens (male hormones) are produced by the woman’s body which impacts its normal functioning. This condition affects one in every ten women on an average and about 50% of them go undiagnosed. This statistic varies from ... Views: 519
Ayaansh Hospital is leading the Best Ovarian Cancer Hospital in Bangalore. We offer state-of-the-art infrastructure & Latest technologies along with world-class facilities, and we provide comprehensive healthcare to the patients at an affordable cost.
We provide the best treatment for ... Views: 409
What is the aspirin mask? The aspirin mask is a homemade BHA mask available to each and everyone of us, totally inexpensive and highly efficient, made of salicylic acid or tablets of aspirin. BHA is known to help tremendously with cleaning pores from deep inside and therefore contribute to ... Views: 747
Menstrual cramps are something 50% of women of childbearing age face at least for two to three days each month! For some, it is even worse and can put them to bed. Some have it so bad that one prominent professor of reproductive health called it “as bad as having a heart attack”. Till some ... Views: 739