Hysteroscopy is a method for inspecting the uterus from the inside. A hysteroscopy, a slender telescope outfitted with a light and camera, is used for this procedure. Your doctor or specialised nurse can view images of the interior of your womb on a screen. The hysteroscope is placed into the ... Views: 276
In-vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a journey that can be both emotionally and physically taxing. From getting diagnosed and starting treatment to going through the procedure, you have invested a lot of time and energy into realising your dream of becoming a parent. You must know what post-IVF care ... Views: 288
Although it is commonly believed that the warmer summer months are less favourable for conception and IVF treatments, studies have shown that partners who undergo these procedures during the warmer months have a far higher chance of success; sunlight is the finest natural source of vitamin D, ... Views: 337
A couple attempting to start a family might choose from a dizzying array of infertility treatments.
For many couples struggling with infertility for a long time, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) has shown to be an effective therapeutic option. In vitro fertilization (IVF) typically involves ... Views: 323
The Importance of Nutrition During IVF
It's more crucial than ever that couples attempting IVF pay close attention to their nutritional intake. All of your body's processes rely on the nutrients you provide through the meals you eat. Many fertility-related processes, including hormone ... Views: 251
Attempting to conceive a child is a very emotional experience, especially if you are having difficulty conceiving. Yet, your fertility can be improved by several lifestyle decisions you make.
These little adjustments to your routine will help you and your partner increase your chances of ... Views: 283
When a couple tries to conceive for a year or more while engaging in regular, unprotected sexual activity but cannot do so, they are said to be experiencing infertility.
About a third of the time, male causes cause infertility, and about a third of the time, female factors are to blame. In ... Views: 446
Conception is when a sperm from a fertile man travel through vagina ,enter a woman uterus and fertilize an egg in fallopian tube of women is known as conception. That fertilized egg starts multiplying into many cells and travels through fallopian tube towards uterus. These cells attached to ... Views: 336
What is Embryo transfer?
Embryo transfer is a process in which embryo are placed in uterus of female body with intent to establish a healthy pregnancy. Embryo transfer is a step or process mostly occur at Assisted reproduction technology (ART).
An embryo refers to a initial or start stage ... Views: 349
Egg freezing is one of the best way which can enable women to get pregnant at later stage . In today’s busy world all partners choose to have pregnancy after completion of their satisfactory future. To fulfill both the needs the term egg freezing is commonly used .
Egg freezing is the ... Views: 358
Ovulation spotting is a bleeding which occur during, before and after the ovulation in females. The most common reason for ovulation spotting is change in hormones level. Not all women are observed with this problem of ovulation spotting.
Ovulation spotting is also commonly known as ovulation ... Views: 293
Ovulation spotting is a bleeding which occur during, before and after the ovulation in females. The most common reason for ovulation spotting is change in hormones level. Not all women are observed with this problem of ovulation spotting.
Ovulation spotting is also commonly known as ovulation ... Views: 334
Infertility is a situation in which the partner are unable to conceive after trying for a year. This infertility not only affect physically but also emotionally and mentally. It’s an heavy toll on their mental health which may reflect as anxiety, tension, stress and also depression. One of the ... Views: 282
In this busy world today women used to get married in age of 30 after setting up the future with secure carrier. This thing only impact on conceiving baby which may create an issue in their married life. To avoid such problem in married life the only way recommend is Egg freezing or oocyte ... Views: 475
Why do you need Fertility treatments?
Fertility treatments is used to increase your rate to conceive a baby in your life by having different laboratory methods. As we all know that due to a big change in life style of human beings, the body of both male and female decrease the natural ... Views: 328
The IN VITRO FERTILIZATION (IVF) is the process which helps the childless couples to conceive a healthy baby without any risk, the main goal of IVF is to provide the chance of becoming parents to the patient by using their own or from the donors egg cell, and the sperm cells from the partner. ... Views: 389
IVF stands for in vitro fertilization this is the process that involves the combination of male sperms and female eggs in the laboratory to generate an embryo. Here, In Vitro means outside the body, and Fertilisation means attachment of sperms and eggs.
There are various factors that ... Views: 354
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a solution that assist to the couple who are having difficulty to conceive in taking the first steps on the path towards the parenthood. Women people who faced with infertility and are wondering if IVF is right for them!
In the beginning of IVF treatment people ... Views: 406
An obstruction in the fallopian tube is a common cause of infertility in women. Around one-third case of infertility are due to such blockages. There can be various reasons for such blockages such as pelvic infection, pelvic surgery, or endometriosis.
A blockage can be present at numerous ... Views: 400
When it comes to the talk about female fertility, various factors like environmental factors, hormones, stress, body nutrition, etc influence healthy fertility. Nutrition has the great influence over everything in our body. No doubt nutrients required for healthy fertility comes from what you ... Views: 404
As the cases of infertility increasing day by day, graph of awareness is also increasing in our country. Understanding the severity of infertility, couples are keen to opt for the best technique. But the most challenging part is to understand which technique is best, and with which you get the ... Views: 354
As the cases of infertility increasing day by day, graph of awareness is also increasing in our country. Understanding the severity of infertility, couples are keen to opt for the best technique. But the most challenging part is to understand which technique is best, and with which you get the ... Views: 361
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) or PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) are generally interchangeably used even though they have very minute differences. While PCOS affects the metabolism of the body as a whole PCOD affects only the ovaries. PCOD disrupts the functioning of the female ... Views: 363
Noncancerous growths in the uterus during the childbearing year of a female called leiomyomas or myomas are generically called Uterine fibroid. They are not associated with any type of uterine cancer and they may never develop into cancerous tissue.
Most of the women have uterine fibroids at ... Views: 422
Infertility a hurdle in your path towards parenthood can be quite devastating in terms of emotional balance and for relationships. Every couple dreams of a happy family with offspring of their own. Nature sometimes puts us and our relationships to the test with a very sensitive topic as ... Views: 356
Sexually transmitted disease or Sexually transmitted infection (STI) can lead to infertility. Fertility, reproduction and sexual activity all these words are all linked to the reproductive system of humans. These diseases (STD & STI) and conditions of infertility are very closely linked as the ... Views: 465
Fallopian Tube, the name comes from anatomist Gabriele Falloppio who also named many other anatomical structures. The Fallopian Tube is also known as the uterine tubes, salpinges or oviducts. In layman's terms, these are 10-12 cm long tubes that stretch from the uterus to the ovaries and are a ... Views: 430
Fallopian tubes are two tubes that connect the uterus and the ovaries providing a pathway for the eggs and the sperms to unite. This pathway where the egg moves from the ovaries where it gets fertilized by a sperm and moves on to the uterus to be implanted on its wall for further growth. It is ... Views: 440
The part of the female reproductive system that connects the ovaries with the uterus is called the Fallopian Tubes. During ovulation Fallopian tubes carry egg from an ovary to the uterus. Conception of the egg by the sperm occurs in the Fallopian Tube. If a conception occurs in the Fallopian ... Views: 554
The process of releasing eggs from the ovaries to the Fallopian tube is called Ovulation. The cycle of ovulation will differ from woman to woman and also from mensuration cycle to cycle. The process of ovulation happens between 13th - 15th day before the next menstrual period. The ... Views: 464
IS test tube baby born in a test tube.
Test tube baby the term that came into India, very popularly among the medical sector and the common public, for babies born other than natural conception. The name suggests babies born in test tubes which is medically and scientifically absolutely ... Views: 554
Fertility Problem? Your Reference Guide!!
Infertility Can be treated. Help Is Close by.
Facing Fertility problems or doubtful about your fertility. Get to know these fact which will help you decide what to do when, how and where.
Trying to conceive for more than a year or six months ... Views: 514
Guidance to increase chance of pregnancy...
Meaning of pregnancy :- Pregnancy is the term used to describe when a foetus develops into a woman’s womb or uterus. A normal time period of pregnancy last for 40 weeks that mean 9th months but in some females it may last for 8th months or we can ... Views: 595
Meaning of endometriosis :- The lining of your uterus is called as endometrium. Endometriosis is a painful condition in females life which affect the female fertility. A unique tissue is responsible for your menstrual flow which slough off and causes bleeding, called as period.
Yes, you can ... Views: 496
Semen analysis Is a test of men sperm and their semen. Semen analysis is done for sperm count and men fertility test. Semen analysis shows that how many sperm are realised at a time, fertility and infertility of semen, shape of sperm, sperm mortality, etc.
Your doctor may take more than one ... Views: 632
Infertility :- Infertility mean not be able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a women or a female don’t get pregnant or continue in miscarriage or unable to conceive pregnancy than you can say that it may due to infertility. Infertility is a common issue in both men and ... Views: 578
1. Meaning of natural pregnancy :- natural pregnancy refer to the pregnancy which is inside the female body.
Fertilization of sperm and ovum occurs inside a female body is know as natural pregnancy.
2. It can be non surgical and can be surgical . Surgical natural pregnancy is called as ... Views: 486
1. Meaning of natural pregnancy :- natural pregnancy refer to the pregnancy which is inside the female body.
Fertilization of sperm and ovum occurs inside a female body is know as natural pregnancy.
2. It can be non surgical and can be surgical . Surgical natural pregnancy is called as ... Views: 527
IVF has worse outcomes in patients with endometriosis.
The prolonged use of hormone drugs before IVF may improve pregnancy outcomes.
Dienogest (DNG) is a progestin with anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic activity.
Implantation rates may be higher as a result of receiving DNG ... Views: 495
Infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman can get pregnant but keeps having miscarriages or stillbirths, that’s also called infertility. Infertility is fairly common. After one year of having unprotected sex, about 15 percent of couples are unable to ... Views: 461
Research question
How do costs and effects of in-vitro maturation (IVM) compare to IVF in women with a high antral follicle count (AFC)?
This cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) was based on data of a previous retrospective cohort study at IVFMD, My Duc Hospital, Ho Chi ... Views: 483
1. IVF is not associated with affective symptoms during pregnancy and the postpartum.
2. Women who resorted to IVF could have less perinatal depressive symptoms.
3. More controlled studies are needed to draw definitive conclusions about this ... Views: 474
The Fallopian tubes, also known as uterine tubes or salpinges are tubes that stretch from the uterus to the ovaries, and are part of the female reproductive system. The fertilized egg passes through the Fallopian tubes from the ovaries of female mammals to the uterus.
Parts of fallopian tube: ... Views: 583
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a simple procedure that puts sperm directly inside your uterus, which helps healthy sperm get closer to your egg.
How does IUI work?
IUI stands for in intrauterine insemination. It’s also sometimes called donor insemination, alternative insemination, or ... Views: 483
A hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.
The cause of polycystic ovary syndrome isn’t well understood, but may involve a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder common among women of ... Views: 504
In vitro fertilisation is a process of fertilisation where an egg is combined with sperm outside the body, in vitro. The process involves monitoring and stimulating a woman’s ovulatory process, removing an ovum or ova from the woman’s ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a liquid in a ... Views: 524
What Is ICSI?
ICSI is an assisted reproductive technology that involves the injection of a single live sperm into an egg. The technique is generally recommended for cases of male factor infertility, or for couples who have had recurrent failed in vitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles. The ... Views: 457
Not getting pregnant, despite having carefully timed, unprotected sex for one year.
The cause of infertility may be difficult to determine but may include inadequate levels of certain hormones in both men and women, and trouble with ovulation in women.
Many treatments significantly improve ... Views: 526
In vitro fertilization or IVF is certainly a result of superior and advance medical research. It is a highly supportive technology for couples who have lost their hopes of becoming parents because of infertility problem. It is definitely the most effective solution available to counter various ... Views: 467
Blissful are the emotions, feelings that come to the married couples when they turn to be parents. Giving birth to a child take them to a different world of happiness. When some couples get deprived of this happiness, they are knocked by the infertility. There are millions of reasons of ... Views: 519