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Chronic Fatigue is a baffling disease with no known cause or etiology. Until recently, many physicians refused to acknowledge it as a true illness. If you or a loved one suffers from CFS then you know the impact it can have on your life.
It is believed that as many as 800,000 people in the US ... Views: 545
At present there is no perfect treatment of cerebral palsy. However some treatment developed to reduce the severity of the cerebral palsy. There are many cases give positive results in the cerebral palsy. There are many therapies use to treat the cerebral palsy. It was notices that not all the ... Views: 957
At one point all of us have been trying to find ways on how to be completely acne-free. Here are some natural and not so natural acne treatments that are proven to be effective.
1. Witch Hazel Astringent
This astringent comes from the plant with the same name. It is widely spread from Nova ... Views: 727
Green tea has shown far greater antioxidant protection than the well know polyphenols in antioxidant vitamins such as C and E. Green tea is 6% more potent as an antioxidant than black tea.
Well, did you know that green tea as well as black, white and oolong teas are all derived from the same ... Views: 1040
A dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before you shower. It eliminates dead skin cells and allows the skin to detox (skin is the largest organ of elimination). Dry brush exfoliation also improves lymph and blood circulation and decreases puffiness. An added benefit is that the ... Views: 876
Fixing bad breath depends on what's causing it. In 80 to 90 percent of cases, it's due to something in the mouth. Most often, bad breath is the result of nothing more serious than a dirty mouth. Plaque, the nearly invisible film of bacteria that's constantly forming in your mouth, is often ... Views: 986
Note: The information on this website is presented for educational purposes and is not a substitute for the advice of and treatment by a qualified professional.
You have to ask yourself: with globalization of toxic substances, how safe is your health?
The world today is a very toxic place. We ... Views: 1208
Strep throat, also called acute streptococcal pharyngitis, is an infection with group A streptococcus bacteria that causes a sore throat. Strep throat is most common in children between the ages of 5 and 15, but it affects people of all ages. In addition to throat soreness, signs and symptoms ... Views: 1325
Acid reflux is an ailment that can have an effect on the digestive tract. Many have experienced the smoldering sensation that takes place just in the back of the breastbone. This burning sense has many different names, with acid reflux being the more normally known name. It is always best when ... Views: 664
Winter is coming. So are colds and the flu. Here are some tips for preventing these viral illnesses. And for getting well fast if you do get sick.
Preventing colds and the flu can be summed up in three words: Wash your hands. The viruses that cause colds and the flu most readily enter our ... Views: 2110
Mental illness is not just an affliction that you are born with; mental illnesses can develop over time, whether as something that was predestined to occur or as an illness that develops over time. While some mental illnesses are certainly not generally found in young people, like Alzheimer's ... Views: 1654
Anyone who has ever had a panic attack knows how life stopping these events can feel. A panic attack can seriously hurt your quality of life by causing you become terrified of a repeat episode. This terror is just another negative side effect of panic attacks, and you should learn to think of it ... Views: 1134
People who are mentally ill also seem to be chronically afraid of hospitals, or at least seem to want to avoid medical attention in a hospital setting. Looking at it from the perspective of someone who is confused or otherwise mentally unstable, the sterile and instrument-laden halls of a ... Views: 1000
It is a well-documented phenomenon that hormones decline as we age. For women, rapid progesterone, estrogen and testosterone loss typically occurs during her 40s and 50s . For men, testosterone loss commonly begins in his 30s and gradually declines. For both sexes, a host of symptoms often ... Views: 1285
A bruise gets its deep color from a blood vessel or vessels that break under the skin and leak blood into the surrounding area. As it heals, it becomes paler in color and less painful to the touch. Depending on how many vessels were broken, bruises can be the size of a pencil eraser or 6 or more ... Views: 674
Four recent clinical studies have demonstrated that silver in a variety of forms -- including colloidal silver -- is able to cure the deadly antibiotic-resistant MRSA infections that now kill more Americans each year than AIDS infections.
Here is a brief synopsis of the recently revealed good ... Views: 3201
Most people take colloidal silver to cure infections, boost immunity and prevent colds, flu and other infections.
Colloidal silver is a completely natural, liquid mineral supplement found in almost every health food store in North America. It is much like mineral water, except that in this ... Views: 1828
Kidney stones are made of salts and minerals in the urine that stick together to form small "pebbles." They are usually painless while they remain in the kidney, but they can cause severe pain as they break loose and travel through narrow tubes (ureters) to exit the body during urination. The ... Views: 751
The Dead Sea is the lowest inhabited place on earth (about 400 m below sea level). Lying in the southern part of Israel, and part of the Great Rift Valley which extends from Western Syria to the East African Lakes, it is the most saline lake (with salinity reaching 290g/L compared to that of the ... Views: 1086
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin produced by the human skin in response to exposure to ultraviolet radiation from natural sunlight and can be found in food. It exists in several forms and each form has a different level of activity. The most active form of vitamin D is Calciferol. It exists in ... Views: 1394
Maybe a lot of you have heard about maca, it is a root that grows only in the Andean highland zones of Peru at altitudes of 14,000 ft., in a region with intense sunlight, winds and below freezing temperatures, where no other crops can survive. It is considered to be one of the best natural foods ... Views: 1040
In the complete human body feet are the mist strained and worked out part, but inspite of this are the most neglected one also. Lack of proper care for feet result in many problems like corns and bunions, cracks, infections and ingrown nails. Massaging the feet each night with oil is relaxing ... Views: 729
Gallstones are small, pebble-like substances that develop in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a small, pear-shaped sac located below your liver in the right upper abdomen. Gallstones form when liquid stored in the gallbladder hardens into pieces of stone-like material. The liquid—called ... Views: 1079
Breathing can save your life. But for many, deep breathing is a forgotten skill. Can every breath you take really make a difference in your health and wellbeing? The answer is a resounding Yes!
How many times have you said to yourself, “I go faithfully to the health club, why ... Views: 1400
Not so long ago, visiting a sauna required a membership to a gym, spa, or recreational facility. Building a sauna was considered an arduous task better left to the experts. Early saunas required a large space, often even a dedicated room, and were costly and labor-intensive to set up. In recent ... Views: 2919
The skin is the body's protective barrier against the environment. We often take our skin for granted. Most people fail to realize that the skin needs daily care just like brushing one's teeth. If the skin is not taken care of properly it can become dry, flaky, cracked and inflamed. This can ... Views: 1062
Aside from its role in the Cabbage Soup Diet, cabbage also plays an important part in fighting against Cancer. Cancer is one of the primary causes of the increasing mortality rate in the world. It affects everyone – the rich and the poor, the young and the old, men, women, and children alike.
... Views: 1343
Thomas Leo Ogren
“Less than perfect-looking fruits and vegetables may be the healthiest choices.”
It has long been thought by many nutritionists that organic produce is superior to non-organic chiefly because the organic has an absence of pesticide residue. Some also feel that a ... Views: 652
All of us are aware that our modern day lifestyles are not healthy at all and eventually take their toll on our health. While stress is killing us slowly and surely, our body is busy fighting toxins that make their way inside our bodies day in and day out. Apart from the fact that we are living ... Views: 588
I am probably the only passenger aboard this airplane with a human skull in his luggage as I return to the Houston area from Portland, Oregon. Why am I involved in the interstate transport of such an unusual article? It is my job to teach doctors something that they never learned in school about ... Views: 2077
Bedsores are skin ulcers that appear in areas constantly subjected to pressure. Bedridden patients, those with paralysis and/or spinal cord injuries who can't change their position often develop bedsores at pressure points in the lower back, buttocks, elbows, knees, shoulders, heels and ankles. ... Views: 1088
For many individuals spring is the finest time of the year. Like tolerate we get up for our chill sleep, out of our hot nest and into the vivid spring sunshine. So much people being wedged indoors all through the wet and cold of winter that is a period when we thrust our body to the ... Views: 598
Some people, who desire to lose weight quickly, utilize the well-known Cabbage Soup Diet and this is how they make this vegetable grow. The cabbage is a tough vegetable that grows well when planted in fertile soils. Various shades of green cabbages are available. But there are also purple or red ... Views: 860
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*** Balancing pH Levels - by Christine Dreher, CCH, CCH, the Official Guide to Dietary Supplements
The evolution of our modern-day lifestyle continues to bring more challenges to our health and well-being. Most of our diets include so many refined, processed foods and sugar. Not to mention having to deal with the chemical pollutants in the air we breathe and the food we eat. I believe these ... Views: 6613
Mysterious Biting Mite
The condition is called Morgellons, and has been coined the name 'black pepper mites', skin parasites and other descriptive terms of some microscopic organism attacking unsuspecting persons. To many, it seems like a TV script straight from the X-Files, but to those who ... Views: 2978
Increasing weight is one of the major health problems before this world. Most of the people face this problem because of their poor eating habits and lack of exercise. A large variety of remedies are being suggested for the problem. Regular exercising habits and proper dieting can help one out ... Views: 960
A colon cleansing and flushing can benefit almost all of us in a day and age when our entire body is choc-a-bloc with waste and toxins. Colon cleansing can be carried out in an absolutely natural manner by simply changing your diet. Bringing about a change in our diets is not only the best, but ... Views: 852
Choosing a healthy lifestyle can be challenging and rewarding. Many of us want to create a healthier lifestyle because we want to lose weight or have more energy. But the reality is that the benefits carry over into other areas of our lives such as our job and relationships.
When we are ... Views: 860
Colon is one of the most important organs of the digestive system that plays a major role in providing the overall health of an individual. The poor eating habits cause the storage of lots of indigestive matter inside the colon. According to the studies the human colon can hold more than 35 ... Views: 754
Sometimes you might run into a situation where it feels like your energy is just stuck. You know what you are supposed to do and you want to do it, but for some reason you just can’t. It may be that you’ve just hit a subconscious boundary or an energy block that you need to clean ... Views: 8187
With increasing life expectancy predicted to give Baby Boomers another 20 or 30 years of retirement living, they are facing a growing dilemma: the pills they swallow today could have dire consequences in the years to come.
While many common prescription and over-the-counter drugs were ... Views: 1053
Our nose sits in the middle of our face quietly going about its business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. How much do you really know about its function?
Most people pay little attention to their sense of smell. It just goes about its business identifying, categorizing and memorizing thousands of ... Views: 5061
Colon cleanse is on its way to becoming a popular health routine, especially among health enthusiasts and people who are interested in alternative medicine. A colon cleanse is extremely beneficial for curing a number of ailments like chronic constipation, acne, chronic fatigue, candida and ... Views: 1353
Recently, the FDA sent out warning letters to seven compounding pharmacies across the country with concerns about the use of estriol. The FDA is allegedly receiving pressure to take action against natural hormones from synthetic hormone producer Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, whose sales of Premarin and ... Views: 4058
Recently, the FDA sent out warning letters to seven compounding pharmacies across the country with concerns about the use of estriol. The FDA is allegedly receiving pressure to take action against natural hormones from synthetic hormone producer Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, whose sales of Premarin and ... Views: 922
Picking your very own fruit from a fruit farm is fun and exciting. But it’s important that you learn how to pick the fruit correctly to prevent rotting.
There is nothing more fun than spending a day on a fruit farm and picking your very own fruit. It’s so relaxing and exciting. ... Views: 710
These are questions that I have been pondering for 31 years now since I had many health problems starting at 15 years old. I have changed my understanding many times since then.
What is healing, or to be healed?
I believe that true healing at the deepest level is spiritual in nature. What ... Views: 1147
My journey to health started shortly after another relationship ended, and at the time I was having regular panic attacks.
I had been in many relationships and they all seemed like a broken record. I was also having physical symptoms that no medical doctor could cure or explain. Basically I was ... Views: 1234
Purification the key to optimum health and vitality…
If you have or do suffer from diarrhoea, constipation, IBS, stomach pain, diverticulitis, severe gas and bloating, weight gain, chronic fatigue, acid reflux, parasites, hair and skin problems as well as other common difficult ailments which ... Views: 1399
It is easy to get so serious that we forget to laugh and that is unfortunate because laughter can be very healing to our emotions and bodies. Laughter relieves stress. Researchers have found that the positive emotions associated with laughter decrease stress hormones and increase certain immune ... Views: 900