The dashboard has been changed. You can now find a list of everything you can do to utilize your professional account on the left. Links to submit articles, links and events can be found. You can also find all your information in the center boxes. From how many articles you have pending to how many links you have approved. Everything you need to know is right there!
We also have a few new features. You can now follow topics, authors and experts.
You can follow a topic in two ways:
You can click on "Update Newsfeed Topics" to update quickly what topics you would like receive up to date information or remove topics you no longer need information on.
You can also go to any articles on and find a “get updates” link on both articles
How can I get updates from a particular Expert?
You can find a link to follow an expert on their page or on an article written by the expert next to the title
If you have any questions, you can always contact us by filling out a feedback form here:\
Once you sign up, a e-mail is sent with a link to the free stuff page. Just in case you missed it - login to your professional account and click on this link:
First, be sure to add to your address book/whitelist/list of approved senders in your e-mail account to ensure that our system messages will get through.
Second, if you've forgotten your password, you can reset it at any time by going here. The system will then send you link that is a one time login. You will be taken to a page to update your password. WE do not send you a new password. We send you a link to reset your password. Please update your password immediately after logging in.
If you are still unable to log in, you can e-mail us at and we'll manually reset your password but please attempt the above before contacting us.
If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it at any time by going here. The system will then send you link that is a one time login. You will be taken to a page to update your password. WE do not send you a new password. We send you a link to reset your password. Please update your password immediately after logging in.
If you are still unable to log in, you can e-mail us at and we'll manually reset your password but please attempt the above before contacting us.
Selfgrowth does not send you a new password.
Your email is sent immediately.
Add the following e-mail addresses to your white list (these address used to send passwords and newsletters):
1. Open an email from that is in your spam box and then click the 'This Is Not Spam' button
2. Click the Mail menu and select Address Book
3. Wait for the Address Book window to pop up, then click the 'Add' button
4. Wait for the Address Card for New Contact window to load
5. Paste “ Address” into the ‘Other E-Mail’ field
6. Make our "From" address, “ Address”, the Primary E-Mail address by checking the appropriate box
7. Click "Save"
If checking mail from – just follow step 1 from above.
• Click on “Options”
• Go to “Filters”
• Click “Create a new filter”:
• Type the email address you want to whitelist in the “from” field. You can type a full address, such as “ Address”, or just “” if you expect to receive emails from different people with email addresses ending in Address”:
• Click “next step”
• Check “never send to spam”:
• Click “create filter”
1. If you find email from is going to your Yahoo! bulk folder, open it and click "Not Spam"
2. Be sure that the address “ Address” is not in your "Blocked Addresses" list. If “” is on your "Blocked Addresses" list, select it and click "Remove Block"
Now to create the filter:
1. Open your mail and click on "Mail Options" in the upper right hand corner
2. Select 'Filters' (in the bottom left corner)
3. On the Filters page, click "Add"
4. Select the "From header:" rule, and add "contains" and alerts- Address, which tells the system to put email with alerts- Address in your inbox and not the bulk folder.
5. Click the "Choose Folder" pull down menu and select 'Inbox'
6. Pick the Add Filter button
1. First, if you find email from us in your Hotmail junk folder, open the email and click "Not Junk"
2. Next, check to see if the email address Address is on your Blocked Senders list. If you find “ Address” on your Hotmail blocked senders list, select it and click on the "Remove" button.
3. Next, open your mailbox and click "Options" in the upper right hand corner
4. At the top of the page, click on the "Junk E-mail Protection" link
5. Next, click on "Safe List", which is down near the bottom
6. Copy and paste “ Address” where it says "Type an address or domain"
7. Click the "Add" button
A Professional Account offers you the ability to submit links, articles, events and an expert page promoting yourself and your business to
Login with your personal account and look for the tab "upgrade account." Next you should see a blue box with the words "Upgrade to Professional" - click and you will be upgraded. This is completely free.
Once you activate your account, login and click on this link:
*Note - You MUST be logged in for this link to work*
This error is most likely caused by your firewall settings. If your firewall/anti-spam/anti-virus software is set at its most stringent level, and set not to accept any cookies from sites, you will get an "Access Denied" message when attempting to log in to If you re-adjust your settings to accept cookies, you'll be able to log in. is the coaching and training arm of It is the website where we house all of our training programs. There is a cost to be a member of this site. In order to find more information please visit: or email questions to
Please call our office number at 732-617-1030.
Please e-mail asking to delete your account at this time.
If you wish to no longer receive one our newsletters, please make sure to click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the e-mail. If you still receive newsletters after unsubscribing, please send an email to
Please report this person! We have zero tolerance for this and will ban the user that spammed you.
When something that you submitted is "pending" that means that we have yet to approve or deny it yet. Please hold tight! We did not forget about you. We get a lot of submissions a day and read ever single one.