"The Friend Coach", is devoted to helping individuals reach their full potential. She provides support in the areas of:
She believes that through our connection with spirit - a dedicated communication channel to Creative Source Energy - we have access to the "Wisdom of the Ages", the most trustworthy "information database" available to man. Unfortunately, most of us have failed to use it in our everyday decision making.*
A life long student, Anita is currently expanding her foundation in human philosophy, religion and spirituality by study and association. Her formal background includes years of training in Religious Studies: Biblical Counseling & Ministry.
She has incorporated into her work the coactive coaching model, group facilitation, and creative brainstorming. She is developing a series of audios for people interested in spiritual awakening and has a weekly support call available to her clients. Her consulting work is done primarily on an individual basis by phone, email or chat.
Her academic background includes a Bachelor of Science and Associates degree in Technology with coaching certifications in progress.
Note: * Anita often refers clients to other coaches, counselors or therapist with specific training in their areas of need.
Self-Coaching Mini Program
It's simplicity makes it easier to understand and apply.
1. Wheel of Life, Values, and Future Self exercises help you obtain a clear picture of your life now and where you see yourself in the future.
2. Self-coaching questionnaire provides suggested self-talk to discover what it's going to take to accomplish your goals? Use it over and over again.
Yearly Intuitive Profile
Identify your primary theme for this year and receive a day-by-day cyclical guide to assist you in decision making.
We live in an attraction based Universe. To get the things you really want, you must become the best you are