I´m a 48 years old homoeopathic doctor in Eckernfoerde ( Northern Germany).
I´m married and have 3 Kids (10, 12 + 16 years old)
I came in contact with psychic children who gave me and my colleague Ursula Wagner from Vienna socalled Amo-Symbols which have developed into a complete Universal Peace Calendar.
My ability of frequent lucid dreaming help me to put the things together that we can spread this Peace Calendar now for free to remind humanity of our basic UNITY.
I´ve studied with the healer Malcolm Southwod and developed out of this work a new tool which I called "Psychogenese" - a form of guiding patients through their traumas and to reconnect with our divine source.
The only thing which has to heal
is the illusion to be separate Beings.
see my website www.WilfriedFink.de
the part PEACE CALENDAR is also in English
Download a month of the Universal Peace Calendar and get it the rhythm of being a part of the ongoing transformation