In order for us to get to know each other better, let me fill you in on a little background information about myself. My name is Vivien Ní Dhuinn (Irish for Dunne). Although originally from Dublin, I have lived in Co. Kildare for the past 12 years and now consider it home. It is from here that I run my practice The Little House of Healing. When I am not working or studying I enjoy walking in the local forest, pottering around in my garden and spending time with my pets. I am a member of The Reiki Association of Ireland and The Past Life Therapists Association. I am a fully qualified Tera-Mai© Reiki Master and hold diplomas in Advanced Past Life Hypnotherapy, Crystal Healing and am at present studying for my diplomas in Dowsing and Colour Therapy. I have been a Student and Reader of the Tarot for over 12 years and in the last two years have begun handing down my accumulated knowledge of this fascinating subject through my specially and personally written in-depth Truly Teach Me Tarot Courses. I also teach courses and workshops in Reiki, Crystal Healing, Dowsing and Psychic Development.
Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated by everything mystical, metaphysical and esoteric. Indeed it was during childhood that I experienced many strange or supernatural experiences which left a strong and lasting impression on me. I was also lucky enough to have been brought up with a love and respect for nature and the animal kingdom. Summer holidays were spent in the Cavan countryside when uncles and aunts would regale me and my siblings with stories of fairies, banshees and local hauntings. It was fascinating, wonderful and scary all at the same time. However, it was not until adulthood that I began to actively pursue any form of real study in the above areas of interest. Once I started it seemed to snowball and I found myself craving more and more. My appetite had been whetted and my thirst not quenched. I read and read anything I could get my hands on. Some areas of study held less appeal for me than others but eventually I was drawn to certain spiritual disciplines such as healing, divination and the exploration of past lives. Even now I am still learning more and more and as each year passes I discover other fascinating subjects and areas of spiritual study to add to my existing knowledge. I now understand that I will always be a student. I realise that there will never come a time when I can say “ah, now I know it all” for life and the universe is forever presenting us with new opportunities to explore unchartered territory and fresh concepts in our never ending search for spiritual understanding, growth and eventual evolution.
My Spiritual Quest is to serve and help those who seek to rediscover their true self, those who may have stumbled on their journey or lost their way in life. Those who have known pain, loss and suffering, deprivation and despair yet within still flickers a flame of hope and faith that tomorrow will be a better day. As a healer I seek to work through understanding, compassion, empathy, and encouragement. To work with Universal Energy, Spirits of the Light, Angelic forces and the Individual to remove blockages and return balance of mind, body, emotions and spirit. To bring awareness to those who cross my threshold of the connection that exists between all life and the sacredness of all creatures great and small in our eternal quest for balance, harmony and peace both within and without. As a Tarot Consultant I seek to offer guidance and direction to those who cannot find their way out of the dark or a solution to their problems. To share wisdom and constructive advice but to never interfere with the free will of the individual. To gently bring to the surface and expose repetitive negative patterns, attitudes or behaviour that holds one back from their true spiritual purpose and destiny. To hold a mirror to the individual’s soul so that truth and understanding comes from within and not from being told what to do.
As a teacher I seek to expand the consciousness of my students to become more aware of other worlds beyond their three dimensional existence. To open their minds to grow, question and challenge conventional beliefs and the scientific world. To open their eyes to really see deep into the souls of those that surround them and the colours of nature so often taken for granted. To open their ears to hear the rhythm of life and the natural world. To hear the words of wisdom from their inner self and spirit. To listen to and respect the opinions of others and tune into their silent cries for help. To open their hearts in order to feel, love and connect to the heartbeat of all who share this planet we temporarily call home. In doing so the spirit is set free. Then true healing and spiritual growth occurs not just for one but for all.
Faerie Blessings to All, Vivien Ní Dhuinn
Freeing The Spirit (by Vivien Ni Dhuinn)
To Heal & Make Whole,
To Learn, Teach & Share,
To Connect all Minds & become Self-aware,
We all enter this World on our own Spiritual Quest,
What this is we oft' Wonder is anyone's Guess,
But go Within, be ye Silent & then be ye Still,
Only then your True Destiny Ye be Bound to Fulfil
A Lightworker's Blessing (by Vivien Ni Dhuinn)
May you be a Powerful,
Compassionate & Empathic Healer,
Always a Pure & Clear Channel,
Blessed in your Work &
Supported by the Universe in your Intent
Blessings to you Now and Always
The Little House of Healing
County Kildare,
Tel: 00353 45 890984
Mobile: 00353 85 7245578