I do not consider myself an "expert" in the same sense that I'm sure many other members of this site are indeed "experts". In fact, I don't consider myself an expert at all - there is always so much more to learn & I am constantly growing & changing!
However, if you check out my Blog, you'll discover that I HAVE come a long way in my 69 years, from a child who was never sure that she was loved - because she was never told & rarely shown - & hence always felt inferior & very insecure, to a woman in her latter years who no longer has to prove herself to anybody, who is sure of her worth, who absolutely KNOWS she is lovable & who is definitely not stagnating at this time of life, as I most assuredly would have been had such changes not taken place, that is, if I'd been alive at all!
None of this transformation came easily however - it was slow & extremely painful - but how grateful I am for the professional support I received. And what life-changing lessons I learnt! I guess the journey of each one of us is different & very personal, but if I can be of assistance to someone else along the way, I will experience a sense of fulfillment & purpose.
"Do all the good you can,
by all the means you can...
to all the people you can
as long as you ever can."
John Wesley