One of the most important concepts to learn is "Choice". We choose everyday, every minute, every second. We decide our lives. Once we understand this concept, we gain the power, the wonderful power, to change anything and everything in our lives. We are our own captain, our own chief, our own master. Years ago, I had no direction. I was upset all the time, I felt as if others were the cause, the blame, of everything in my life. Then I heard someone talking about this thing called "choice". Once I decided that I have chosen everything in my life, I decided to make better choices. I began to OWN my life. I began to use the Wonderful NOW, to make my own decisions. I began to live on purpose. You can too. I can help.
We Become what we think about - Reach for thoughts that feel good
I believe we choose everything. I believe once we get that concept we begin to Live on Purpose