Trixie Hennessey, MSW RSW is a Registered Clinical Social Worker who practices in Vancouver, BC. Trixie provides evidence-based counselling services to parents and children rooted in research on attachment, mindful parenting practices, and child development.
The most recent research on early childhood neurological development is extensive, and all parents deserve to benefit from a clear understanding of the available information.
As a practitioner, Trixie supports parents in their efforts to foster the social, emotional, and cognitive well-being of their infants and children. Her integrative therapeutic approach is tailored to the unique circumstances of each family in order to:
Many parents seek counselling when they are struggling to balance the demands of relationships, work, and self; at these times they may be feeling isolated, disconnected, or discontent in their relationships.
These circumstances of daily life can also create an imbalance between a child’s needs and what parents can provide. Feelings of anxiety or depression, economic distress, or marital conflict can limit a parent's capacity for sensitive and responsive caregiving. If left unchecked, the ensuing stress and instability within families can lead to upsetting relationship ruptures between parents and children.
These circumstances can lead to feelings of shame and humiliation for all involved, and may undermine a child's feelings of attachment security and emotional well-being. Parents may experience disrespectful and upsetting behaviours in their children as a result, or find that their child is becoming more sad and withdrawn. At these times, evidence shows childhood behavioural difficulties are most effectively circumvented before the onset of major difficulties.
As a clinician, Trixie helps families create a virtuous cycle of favourable parent-child relationships; her treatment approach goes beyond addressing symptoms to defining healthy relationships from a wellness and prevention perspective. Her approach offers practical steps that promote harmony, creativity, and meaning within lives and relationships.
Trixie is actively involved in the community, and is a member of the Women’s Peace Campaign, Postpartum Support International, British Columbia Association of Social Workers, and the Canadian Association of Social Workers. As a service to the Vancouver community, Trixie offers a limited number of pro bono therapy sessions in lieu of a sliding scale.
Prenatal Counselling and Support
Relationship Counselling
Functional Analysis of Families