'If you dont deal with the problems the problem will deal with you'
I have made some new amendment to my business to kick start into the brand new year. As well as coaching young people I am going to be promoting health awarness through internet TV & Radio shows. It will require a few more weeks before I actually go 'Live'. Working with young people is still my passion. The shows will be jamed packed with special guests and products as well as health education training.
In UK there is a tremendous growing concern about our young people poor health that not maching to the standard of living a more healthy lifestyle. In fact the age group is growing younger as low as 6 years old. overweight, diseases, drugs issues, high level of stress etc. As I continue to work within the community there is enough evidence to see that the youth of our future gap is wider than ever before.
I look forward networking with other health and youth coaches to make the world a better place for them. Iam a strong believer that we have to start some were in order to be successful. I have been working in the community with young people for 23 years and every youth has a different story to tell. Some of their life stories make you cry, angry happy, shock or even overwhelm. The one thing they are ask of society is someone to respect and believe in them. Because of this I am seeing tremendous results in their lifes only by a simple method by believeing in them. I encourage people who see them as a problem not to be to quick to discord them away, but make some effort to just listen out to their issues, and dont allow too much of your negative emotions get in the way. Before you know it you will become their role model. It does require patience and listening (Lots of it!) the more you master this the easier it becomes. Once I get my business up and running will give you a big shout. Hopefully you will be able to join me! Have a fantastic 2010!