Army Officer 24 years - Aden, Cyprus, Jordan, N Ireland, Falklands War.
Part Time (TA) officer 10 years - commanded Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars
Defence Industry 20 years CEO of Oxford Strategic Ltd
Elected Councy Councillor, Oxfordshire and District Councillor, Cherwell District Council
Qualified in Aromatherapy Massage (IIHHT and MGHT)
Author of 3 books - historical subjects
Reading History part time at Oxford University
Organiser of overseas bird watching expeditions for 30 years (Nepal, India, Malaysia, Equador, Galapagos, Ethiopia, Kenya, Romania, Poland , Bulgaria, Gambia etc)
Consultant to Mediation in Action -
Aromatherapy Massage best in your own home so you can fully relax afterwards and not have to travel.