My name is Timothy Casey. I was born in the midst of the cold war when computers occupied large rooms and semi-conductor technology was still new, I grew up with a life on the move, and have lived in four Australian capital cities: Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, and Adelaide. Just four more moves and I'll have the whole set!
I began programming with machine code on a Texas Instruments computer with very simple hardware architecture back in 1977, moved onto Basic in 1979, and adopted Visual Basic in 1997. I've also taken on HTML & CSS as web development languages and this web site is just a small sample of what I am capable of doing. A fondness for rocks, minerals, and particularly gemstones was acquired in 1978 and lead to the streamlining of my studies to focus firstly on the sciences and then on geology.
I graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in 1996 after many turbulent years of juggling the time required to provide a living and the time required to study.
Presently, the act has been upgraded from juggling to balancing, because the need to build a stable business to replace a very unstable employment market must be satisfied alongside the need to eat, and occasionally, sleep. Did I mention a social life as well? "So much to do, so little time!"
I am somewhat academic, which means that while I have an awful lot to say, and while much of what I have to say may seem logical or profound; just like other Sapiens, I am occasionally mistaken. Did I just admit I can make mistakes? I can't believe I just did that! While I do like to think that what I have here on the Topics Sites is on the ball, I guess you'll just have to make up your own mind about it all...
I have a passion for tolerance and freedom of belief. Such is my passion that at times my views may seem hard-line - after all, I have a very low level of tolerance for intolerance. I'm fond of applying the methods of science and logic to religious assertions. As the level of logic applied to my programming becomes more complex, this same, tested, working logic; is applied to the religious/justice issues I am so passionate about - and some people may find the idea of rigidly applying nested logic and compound overlap to the day to day suppositions of religion a bit much to bear!
I grew up with the post-Vatican II teachings of the Catholic Church, embracing; religious tolerance, unity, universal spirituality, and above all love as the foundation of everything truly religious or theological. My values were carried with me into the Baha'i Faith where I found the fulfilment of everything I believed in, and an even more comprehensive emphasis on those values I hold so dear. However, I regard beliefs as individual not organisational, and I will never accept that being part of a movement depends upon any more than genuinely sharing their documented values.