___________________________________________________________ Hallo my friends,
I'm born in Munich, Germany, and right now I live in Austin, Texas. For me is Austin one of the most attractive cities in the entire U.S., just mentioning it.
I learned during my life several professions and I was very successful in each of them, but this is not subject of this page. But from being a little boy on, I was traveling a lot around Europe, I know Italy and the past Jugoslavia pretty good, and Austria is one of my big favorite, because I lived very close to its border, when I was young.
Later on, in connection to my job, I was traveling all over Europe to all the big cities and half of Scandinavia. I saw a lot of places, and you can imagine, that having been somewhere personally is way much better, than to just know it from pictures and magazines. Later on, when I came to the U.S., again I became a traveller for the East U.S. area, from Montreal down to Buenos Aires. Some of the cities were just "cities", but several others were interesting in their atmosphere, architecure and beauty. And I could feel, that the people living there were also a bit different. I realized, that this atmosphere must have been created from all these people, asking you .... from whom else ?
This is actually one of the major points, what makes traveling so incredible interesting.
As it might have been for many of you, and this "special moment" came also for me, where I decided to make my income on-line. And I had no clue, what should I sell, or what might be a better product than the other. So I started trying it out. Finally I came to the point, reaching for offering travel opportunities, but only because I felt more about it myself, than just trying to sell a good product. So I remembered all my personal traveling, and what I saw and experienced in my life from city to city, and country to country, and I knew, this is for me.
For the end of the story, just read a bit more on my page.
I'm enjoying selling Travel opportunities
1. because I love to create web sites,
2. writing articles and expressing myself.
3. Now I'm here in Selfgrowth, because I think it's really great, that somebody or something exists, trying to help others to a better life. Fantastic experience !
I hope, you enjoy my websites and might contact me for any reason.
With finest regards,
Thomas Lechner
I'm actually running my Internet Travel Opportunities, to can finance the start-up for my Non-Profit Business here in Austin. I want to deliver the most incredible Study Technology from L.Ron Hubbard to lively kids, teenagers and adults alike -whoever may need imrovement in learning. Something like a "learning decease" doesn't exist. Only numb bodies are selling drugs, pretending to make children to better students. But it brings billions of dollars for the ones, they even don't swallow it all themself. You may never see a pharmacist or psychiatrist, taking his own pills and drugs. And if he does, then he is already gone for long way himself.
Some little every-day examples for (no) Study Technology:
You read an entire page or article, and afterwards you cannot remember one tiny bit, what you've just read. Study Technology will handle it within 1 or 2 minutes.
You are reading, and you always get tired, nervious or cannot read for a long time. Or you are getting head aches and also fill worse than before.
You couldn't grasp a subject, and tried to learn it by heart.
You did not go to University, because you considered yourself not being able to.
All the above examples are completely covered and getting handled with L.Ron Hubbard's precise Study Technology. And it's easy to learn for everybody.
Then there is the absolute most healthy and natural Drug Rehabilitation, you can find. No use of any type of replacement drugs, just a real recovering on health and feelings. It has the highest healing percentage and is a wonderful treatment. These are Narconon facilities in several cities/places in the U.S., but also existing worldwide. Somebody, who needs help, can find the most close one to his area.
I'm also specialist in both of the subjects above.
Plus I can also deliver finance consultations for individuals and businesses.
These are 3 Elert Gadgets, waiting for approval as Google Gadgets. You can download them into your google desktop, igoogle or download them together with a Elert Viewer to your computer.
My Travel Sites
Newest Articles
I hope, you enjoy !