Thelma van der Werff is the founder and owner ofColour Comfort ltd. and has designed a colour concept which she names ‘ColourCoaching’ according to Colour Comfort. Coaching of clients using the powerfuland effective tool of ‘colour’.
Thelma is born in The Netherlands in the town of Groningenand through her entire life has had an interest in people, what makes peoplehappy, what is the cause of illness, why do people think the way they do? Shesearched for answers on these questions and from a young age she started toread books on psychology and spirituality.
Thelma’s health problems
At the age of 30 Thelma married and with her fresh husbandmoved to London where their two sons were born. After five years in England theymoved back to The Netherlands where she got serious health problems. Herillness inspired her to study more about nutrition and the psychology ofillness. Through changing her own life- and eating habits she overwon alifelong battle agains eczema and asthma. She started to study Ortho MoloculairScience of Nutrition because she was interested in the relation betweennutrition and health. In the meantime, Thelma and her family moved to Germanyand after 5 years they emigrated to New Zealand.
Introduction of Colour
Within 3 weeks after arriving in New Zealand Thelma wasintroduced to the art of ‘Face Reading’. She was fascinated with this conceptthat she decided to follow the training of “Psychosomatic Therapist & BodyMind Analyst” at the Australiasian Institute of Body Mind Analysis &Psychosomatic Therapy. This training gave her the tools to do ‘Body Readings’,observing the relation between the body and symptoms and the thought patternsrelated to the symptoms. During this time Thelma was also trained in Reiki Iand II and during the training she came in contact with the colour concept “Aura-Soma”. This concept usesequilibrium bottles containing different coloured fluids made out of crystaland flower essences. Thelma was so fascinated by the wonderful Aura-Somaconcept that she decided to complete all four levels. In order to completelevel four she had to hand in a thesis and research ‘Colour’ on a deeper level.
After completing Aura-Soma Thelma followed the training for‘Reconnective Healing’ of Eric Pearl in Sydney. Level I and II: The BasicTruths & Frequencies of Healing and Level III: The Reconnection. Her clinicin Auckland was growing and she mainly worked with the Aura-Soma concept as aqualified colour therapist and if necessary she would use one of more of theother therapies.
Birth of Colour Comfort Colour Coaching
Often when Thelma introduced herself as a colour therapistshe was often mistaken for an image and style consultant. She noticed thatpeople would make a link between colour and their clothing, realising that formost people their daily colour choices is related to the clothing they chooseto wear every day. She noticed that everyone is interested to learn what theircolour choices reveal about themselves. Thelma invited all her clients andfriends for a personal interview, asking about their colour choices in clothingas well as where on the body would they wear these colours. Her knowledge aboutthe psychology of colour and her Body Readling training gave her accurate informationabout the person and the use of particular colours changed the thought patternsas well as behaviour of the clients. A new concept was born, the Colour ComfortColour Coaching.
Thelma has written two books about colour and clothing. Herfirst book “Why are you wearing those colours?” reveals the emotionalsignificance of colour and her book “Dress to Impress” is a colour dictionary,explaining the message each colour is communicating as well as colourpositioning; colour on different parts of the body communicate differentmessages.
She has also written a 200-page training manual for ColourCoaches describing all aspects of colour and how to do colour consultations,presentations and workshops.
Mission and vision
Thelma’s mission and vision is to make the powerful andeffective tool of colour available to everyone in a practical and easy manner.She wants to give people the option to use colour pro-actively every day inorder to influence emotions and thought patterns. A balanced use of colour willstimulate and support the uniqueness of every human being, allowing you to liveup to you own full potential. Colour Coaching is the art of complimenting andcomplementing, revealing hidden talents and potential and coaching you to trulyshine from within using a balance of all colours.
Thelma has trained Colour Coaches according to the ColourComfort concept in New Zealand, Australia, Belgium and The Netherlands and willstart teaching in Germany in 2009.
Thelma’s Qualifications and Memberships
Thelma is a member of the New Zealand Charter of HealthPractitioners. Inc.
A registered Aura-Soma Practitioner and member of The Art& Science International Academy of Colour Technologies.
A member of the International Light Association
Has completed the training:
Aura-Soma level I, II, III, IV
Reiki I, II
Reconnective Healing level I, II, III – by Eric Pearl
Brain Boot Camp – by Don Tolman
Psychosomatic Therapist & Body Mind Analyst – by HermannMuller AIBMA&PT
Basic Adult Tutor Training – Auckland Schools CommunityEducation Association
Melchizedek Academy of Soul Education International
Thelma’s Hobbies
One of Thelma’s favourite hobby is traveling, meetinginteresting people.
Playing golf with her two friends Karen and Alison.
Walking on the beach every morning when she is in NewZealand
Dancing, especially South American
Listening to classical music, favourite is Chopin’s 1stpiano concert
Watching Ballet
Entertaining friends and family and having an easilyprepared yet tasteful meal
Teaching colour coaching and observing the influence colourhas on everyone
Watching comedy and romantic happy-ending movies
Breakfast on Sunday morning with the family
Playing the piano