For over 24 years, I have helped parents with defiant or disruptive children experiencing ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and other disorders and adjustment problems of childhood. I have also helped teens who struggle with depression, anxiety, self-injury, and body image issues. Women are another focus of my practice, helping them with issues of depression, anxiety, PTSD, relationship problems, facilitating growth, self-expression, self-acceptance and transformation toward a healthy, empowered life. I have been fortunate to enjoy a high level of diversity in the clients that I have worked with, with regard to their ethnicity, gender, beliefs and orientation.
I am trained in and have used with great success Parent Child Interaction Therapy. PCIT is a structured treatment fully involving the parents that addresses disturbances involving children's behavior. I have years of experience developing a specialty in treating the traumatic effects of sexual assault, and child abuse trauma also.
My style of therapy is existential-humanistic, incorporating a variety of interventions specific to the uniqueness of each client's difficulties. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is often used with teens and adults. I have also had the privilege to work for more than 7 years with Native American teens and their families.”
1198 Navigator Drive, Suite A5 #103
Ventura, CA 93001
(805) 628-2613
(805) 339-0806 fax