As a Psychic Medium, Healer, Energy worker and Vibrational Transformation Life Coach with gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience, I have been helping people to communicate with their guides, spiritual teachers and loved ones for as long as I can remember. I am able to see the energies surrounding you, so they may be boosted, activated, or cleared to serve only your highest and BEST GOOD!
With the ability to talk to your guides, teachers, loved ones that have passed on, your own Higher Self, and see, understand, and clear the energies that surround you, I am able to assist you to make your own informed decisions about your life path in this moment. I can help you to understand the past, deal with the present and tell you about future influences that are prevailing upon your life. Our path is not always clear, I can help you see things with a fresh and empowering perspective.
Individual Energy Healing
Are you wanting divine information and to heal from areas in your life that have you stuck or blocked, so that you can create your own reality more consciously?
Psychic Consulting for Business Success
I have been doing this for people on a personal level for many years with much success and fantastic positive feedback. EVERYTHING is energy and vibration. And like a magnet, your vibrational frequency attracts that which is the same. I can help you to adjust YOUR vibration to attract success for your business. I can provide you with the energetic tools for positive attraction for your business. Whether you are starting a new business or have an existing business, Psychic Consulting will help you reach the next level.
Psychic Medium
Offered in person or telephone, I often tell clients that attempting to connect with a loved one is much like making a phone call. Me an my client sit together (in person or on the phone) and make the call. It is up to the loved one whether or not they can answer the phone. We cannot make someone answer. If your loved one is not there, I will let you know, I don't make the guesses.
Vibrational Transformation Mentoring & Life Coaching
Are you ready to change? Change can be easy once you know how. I am now ready to take on more mentoring clients. I have always mentored people, but with all the world changes I realize I also need to change. I need to start teaching more people what I know. Many of you are hungry for information and hungry to change your life. Once you learn how energy works, and start using it to your advantage, your life will automatically change. If used properly, these energies can bring huge amounts of POSITIVE change in a short period of time.
Psychic Readings
I have been offering psychic readings over the phone since early 2004. I find phone readings to be just as effective as in-person readings. In person or telephone worldwide; Available in 15 minutes allotments to ongoing support.
Seasonal 21-Day Long Distance Energy Clearing Sessions
Every day for 21 days, you will receive loving, Light energy and healing work channeled directly to you. There will be very little you need to do except show up energetically and be open to the healing that will take place. Just set your intention and the energy will work no matter what you are doing. You can be sleeping, working, driving, on vacation, eating or playing and the energy will work.
Tamara Hawk Store
Online store of original empowering perspectives clothing and accessories by yours truly.
"Make the world a better place through love.
Write something that will hopefully remind you of your own greatness.
Share and co-create positive experiences with the other players in the game of life.
Collectively, with you, co-create a heaven on earth experience for as many as are willing to experience it.
Create with integrity.
Trust that those who I am meant to connect with will be in my life.
I love and appreciate every soul on this earth for what they bring with them. Yes, every one…
I appreciate the game of life for what it is. A place to experience, to love, to grow, to create, and to share."
-- With Love & Light,
Tamara Hawk
You can learn more about me, working with me, and my free and paid content at And for videos at
Books: Books by Tamara Hawk
Facebook: @PsychicTamaraHawk
Video: Youtube@tamarahawk
Instagram: @tamara_hawk
Phone: (604) 798-6832