Feel better about yourself, as well as your surroundings, by simply getting more organized.
Since establishing Specialized Organization Services in 1992, Susi McCune has shared organizing strategies with thousands of business and residential clients through public speaking and consulting. She is a Golden Circle member of the National Association of Professional Organizers, past president of NAPO-MN, an active member of the Isanti Area Chamber of Commerce, and president of Friends of the Isanti Area Library.
Since 1998 Susi has trained hundreds of other professional organizers through presentations, individual consulting, and Nuts & Bolts for PO's™ seminars.
Phone consulting allows Susi to offer long distance service. Because of her extensive experience working in homes and offices, she can visualize the situation and offer simple, practical solutions. Clients can also email reference photos of the area(s) they want to organize.
S.O.S. products - available at www.MessDistress.com - include:
* Books: 117 Ways to Simplify Your Life, Paper Clutter Solutions, Kids & Cash: The Money Tree and Other Myths
* Organizing tools: S.O.S. Tickler File Starter Set, S.O.S. Annual Receipts File Starter Set, S.O.S. Planning Calendar
Want to organize, simplify, and de-stress your business or home life?
Contact Susi McCune - Susi@MessDistress.com or 763-444-4585.