Current Career Experience:
I presently have the privilege and joy of working as a professional life coach and relationship coach. I received my professional life coaching certification from International Coaching Academy and then went on to be trained as a relationship coach through Relationship Coaching Institute. After becoming certified as a Heart Virtues coach and trainer, I went on to train life coaches in a coach training program that I co-developed. For the past ten years I have had the pleasure of coaching hundreds of people from all over the world, some in person and most by phone. I get to do what I love when I inspire others to be themselves, transform their lives and make a difference in the world.
Past Experiences:
My current career path that led me to where I am now has included such experiences as earning a bachelors degree in psychology, counseling adolescents, families, and individuals, as well as working in a psychiatric hospital. Many years ago I also (mostly) enjoyed jobs such as instructing skiing in Germany, packing fish in Alaska, waitressing, teaching English as a foreign language to adults, as well as being a home educator and a full time mother.
It's All About the Journey
I am a person who loves fun, diversity, adventure, and new challenges. I am dedicated to living a life I love, not necessarily conventional and not always easy but very exciting and in alignment with my values and priorities. I believe we are all on our own unique paths in life. I am passionate about supporting others on their journeys towards more love, joy and freedom. My mission is to inspire and empower myself and others to live an INCREDIBLY rich and fulfilling life filled with love, joy and freedom. Click here if you are ready or curious about coaching with me.
Professional Certified Coach through ICA
Trained at Relationship Coaching Institute
Certified Heart Virtues Coach
B.A. in Psychology
"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty 'yes' to YOUR adventure."
-Joseph Campbell
Ultimately we all want to feel good about our lives, ourselves, our relationships, our career and our contribution in the world. Visit our website at to find inspirational articles and other resources for your personal development journey. You can start now with a free 30 min no pressure consult with a life coach by clicking on the link!
Please contact Susan Merz Anderson through her website at or call for an appointment at 1-800-495-1320