As a survivor of physical, sexual & ritual abuse, I know how hard the process of recovery can be. I was able to break free from physical, sexual, emotional and ritual abuse, through studying and applying the Bahá'í Writings. I am now free from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Depression.
Based on what worked for me, I published a book "Violence & Abuse: Reasons and Remedies. Now in its 2nd printing, it has been highly successful as a working manual for survivors starting their lives over after an abusive past, perpetrators with a sincere desire to change, therapists looking for a spiritual approach to healing, family members wanting to understand and help and Bahá'í institutions working to assist with personal transformation.
I am currently working on a second book on the Spiritual Roots of Disease; maintain a blog for those who want to learn how to apply the Writings of the Baha'i Faith to everyday life situations; maintain several online databases of Baha'i Quotes, Prayers and Stories; moderate a group on the internet for those recovering from traumatic events; and provide life coaching services to members of the Baha'i Faith.
Susan Gammage is the owner of Susan Gammage Coaching and Education Services, Inc., the leading provider of Bahá'í-inspired life coaching services on the Internet.
Her company was founded in 2008 and she now maintains four websites on topics of interest to those who want to apply Bahá'í teachings to day-to-day life situations, including:
She publishes a blog covering more than 200 topics, going out to subscribers in over 44 countries in the world, which you can find at:
Susan's first book – Violence and Abuse: Reasons and Remedies, now in its second printing, has been praised by leading industry experts as "a "must have" compilation for every LSA, counselling committee and individual trying to heal.” It has been highly successful as a working manual for survivors who are starting their lives over after an abusive past, perpetrators with a sincere desire to change, therapists looking for a spiritual approach to healing, family members who want to understand and help and Bahá'í institutions working to assist with personal transformation."
She is now working on her second book, on the Spiritual Roots of Disease.
She has a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies in Human Service Planning and Delivery from York University in Toronto; was the founder and Executive Director of BALANCE, a life-skills training program for blind and visually impaired adults, now in its 26th year of operation; and has over 20 years of experience helping adults reach their goals.
Her interest in using the Bahá'í Writings for abuse recovery and personal transformation began over 20 years ago. As a survivor of physical, sexual & ritual abuse, Susan knows how hard the process of recovery can be. She was able to break free from physical, sexual, emotional and ritual abuse, through studying and applying the Bahá'í Writings and is now free from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety and Depression. She promised early on in her healing that if she ever got to the other side of the tunnel, and found light, she’d share what worked with others. Her book, blog and coaching service is her attempt to do so.
Susan has a zest for life, loves adventures including hot-air ballooning, skydiving, rappelling, and has travelled to many places in the world. She has the incredibly bounty to live and work in Muskoka, one of the most beautiful parts of Canada, where National Geographic has referred to as “One of the top 10 places in the world to visit”.
If we are not happy and joyous at this season, for what other season shall we wait and for what other time shall we look? (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Bahá’í World Faith, p. 351)
The whole duty of man in this Day is to attain that share of the flood of grace which God poureth forth for him. (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 8)
Now I say unto you, bear this on your hearts and in your minds. Verily your light shall illumine the whole world, your spirituality shall affect the heart of things. You shall in truth become the lighted torches of the globe. Fear not, neither be dismayed, for your light shall penetrate the densest darkness. This is the Promise of God, which I give unto you. Rise! and serve the Power of God! (Abdu'l-Bahá, Paris Talks, p. 168)
The best way to get started learning about me is by visiting my top website,
Susan Gammage
206-114 Brunel Rd
Huntsville, ON P1H 1K5
Phone: 705-788-0171