Sue Stebbins - Founder/President, Successwaves and The Successwaves Process™
S. Stebbins, Master Coach and NLP Practitioner, founded Successwaves
(formerly Motivational Re-Source) in 1993 after an extensive and
successful 18 year career in Marketing and Marketing Communications in
New York and Boston.
The company was founded out of Sue’s passionate
interest in the art and science of cultivating breakthrough experiences
- in life, business, and sports.
Successwaves is the culmination of over thirty
years research, study and application of the principles behind the
superior achievements of famous thinkers, neuroscientists, inventors,
and philosophers who possessed the insights into each individuals
innate capacity for happiness, self-evolution, and self-mastery.
Sue’s clients are individuals and organizations
who wish to advance their careers, meet business and personal goals,
start and expand their businesses, or create a seemingly impossible
breakthrough in their lives or organizations.
She has also worked with children and athletes
helping them develop their esteem and a positive or winning self image
both in life and competition.
Having worked with Fortune 500 companies such as
Revlon, GTE, Gillette, IBM, and receiving national recognition for her
work - she brings powerful insight into the Leadership and
Communication Programs she develops for companies looking to achieve
higher employee engagement. As the pace of change accelerates, Sue’s
ability to custom create self-correcting techniques on the spot for her
clients and audiences, facilitates them to have the practical skills
and tools they need to thrive in high growth or change scenarios.
Sue is a graduate of Wheaton College. She is a
Certified Stress Management Councilor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki
Master, and lifelong student of learning. She has had the good fortune
to be mentored by some of the leaders and luminaries of the New Thought
and Conscious Creation Community, and receives coaching herself as well
as maintaining a 30 year regular practice of meditation, mindful
self-examination, and exercise. She is a Member of the Institute of
Noetic Sciences, International Coach Federation, and International
Association of Councilors and Therapists.
If Oprah's Doctor Recommended You Listen to Someone, Would YOU?
What Keeps you FROM Realizing Your Business And Life Dream?
How Would you Feel if You were Given THE Custom-Personalized Tools to Know how
to Accelerate the Laws of Attraction?
Powerful Breakthrough CD's Work Immediately!
Learn to let go of
pain, negative thoughts and habits andinner and outer
barriers to success,by using your mind’s power
to heal your body. Through my personal life coaching
methods combined with distinctive guided
imagery CD’s, I have helped thousands of people learn to
access the power of
their mind and feelings to design and create their dream
Sue Stebbins, Cl.H, Master Business and Personal Coach, Certified
Stress Management Councilor, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and Reiki Master
- is an electrifying catalyst who has devoted her life to inspiring
people to experience and claim their dreams of living an extraordinary
life of fulfillment and freedom. She literally wakes people up to the
reality that they can create any outcome they desire through the
principles of conscious thought and focus. She is particularly gifted in releasing blocks and
patterns that are keeping an individual stuck, and uses her evolving
intuitive gifts to rapidly and powerfully connect people to their
innate truth and unlimited capacity for self realization and successful
Being with Sue , either
over the phone or in person, is like a loving bolt of healing
lightning. Be ready to change - and quickly! She is widely recognized
for her capacity to make shifting into success a safe and highly
enjoyable process free of the "demandingness" that often plagues most
transformative process. You are guided to learn how to Attract and
Align with what you most want to experience. Her clients results are testimony to the remarkable effect of partnering and the remarkable
effect she has in achieving long lasting successful change for her
Sue Stebbins Contact Information:
Phone: (203) 831-8344
Toll Free: (866) 731-7344
Suite 123
360 Connecticut Avenue
Norwalk, CT 06854