I have worked with people with disabilities for over 10 years and achieved some fantastic results.
These include:
The assessment and training of individuals with disabilities in a work environment, with a focus on job retention.
I set up an IT Communication Training Centre for Adults with Disabilities for a large Charity. Training included courses developed by myself to increase confidence, use screen reader software, voice recognition software, assistive technology tools and equipment and more. 1,000 adults attending each year.
Set up the first WebAccessibility Testing Centres in the UK using people with disabilities to check for errors and difficulties around using business websites.
Developed successful alternative curricum projects for children with ADHD
I have worked with Government Departments and Colleges Care Homes and Charities to train staff in techniques to assist their clients progression and communication.
I specialise in working with Pan-Disabilities Groups (dyslexia, autism,learning disabilities, ADHD, deafness, visual impairments, brain injury and physical disabilities)
Currently working on expanding the development of the safe and secure Social Networking site for people with learning disabilities, their carers,families,volunteers and professionals. www.specialfriendsonline.com
Take a look - please join if you feel you fit the criteria.
I'm also looking for experts to contribute to the site and for effective partnerships to increase the site's online presence. It's a fabulous concept that already has a good worldwide membership, but this membership needs to grow. \there's opportunities for you to increase your sales and profile whilst helping a very special group of people.
If you want more details let me know.
Thanks for your time and hope I get to know you soon.
P.S. I also have a site for businesses to improve their online presence - it's a different area but the advice on the website and in the newsletters can be really beneficial to businesses. www.ebizadvice.net
I am running training courses for non-profit organisations to learn how to increase their online presence.
If at first you don't succeed - try, try and then try some more!
I Do It My Way - You Can Too!
You are not a disabled person - You are a person with a disability. You still have many many abilities to build your life around.