Shirley Lynn Martin is a spiritual and leadership guide and teacher. She, along with her dog Marzipan, masterfully guide and teach people to build their inner peace, creating leaders through personal transformation. Through individual soul coaching sessions, workshops and training opportunities, inspiring reflections and other initiatives, Shirley Lynn teaches you to be the leadership within yourself you trust, starting with creating your own inner peace!. Shirley Lynn lives, counsels and teaches Reiki as a life practice for spiritual transformation and enlightenment and a healing modality.
Shirley Lynn has earned numerous degrees and certifications in various japenese systems of Reiki, theology and ethics, several energy-based modalities, channelling, regression, and Life Coach training and most recently in peace and conflict mediation. She is a clinical member of the Ontario Society of Psychotherapy, as well as a professional member of the International Association of Regression Research Therapy and the Canadian Reiki Association (Reiki Master/Teacher) and finally a charter member with the International Association of Spiritual Coaching. Shirley Lynn considers herself to be actively learning, and continually incorporates new insights and experiences into her ever-evolving practice. Her business incorporates healing of spirit, mind and body and deeply integrated learning, by means of individual sessions as well as group trainings, workshops and tele-classes.
With more than 13 years of professional training and practical experience, Shirley Lynn leads with courage, humour and deep knowing. Her clients proclaim their appreciations regarding their experiences with Shirley Lynn - the skills and gifts she utilizes are specific to the situation, the client and the Spirit's guidance for inner peace, trust and happiness.
Diamond Degrees Reiki and spiritual transformation coaching program. Become attuned to Reiki and journey deeply into the path of inner peace. Learn the path of leadership by first being the inner peace and trust you seek!
Fortify your Boundaries....Empower Your Life! An amazing opportunity to transform your life with simply profound tools that deepen your connections with your soul, strengthening your boundaries in every area of your life. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, March 6th-7th, 2009. Contact for more details.
Walk placidly amidst praise and blame. Komyo Kai Reiki motto
Love yourself and be awake--today, tomorrow, always. First establish yourself in the way, then teach others and so defeat sorrow. To straigthen the crooked, you must first do a harder thing--straighten yourself. You are your only master, who else? Subdue yourself and discover your master. The Buddha
World peace will never be stable until enough of us find inner peace to stabilize it. Peace Pilgrim, 1908-1981
Shirley Lynn's Philosophy:
For additional information about Shirley Lynn and her spiritual and leadership teaching and guiding - visit her web site at or contact her at
For additional information about Shirley Lynn and her business - Feathers, Rainbows & Roses - visit her web site at or contact her at