Shirley is on a mission to help people find more SPARKS of joy and happiness in their lives. She became an expert after years of transformational work and turning her life completely around. Finding My Joy, How I Found My Joy - How You Can Find Yours by Shirley Sparks is Shirley's first published book. Available through all of the ordinary channels. This book takes you through a time when she hated her self, her life and had thoughts of suicide to a place of genuine Joy and Happiness. She has even included exercises at the end of each chapter for anyone wanting to do the work.
Shirley's commitment to herself, "I will enjoy Who I am with, What I am doing, and Where I live. I will do any necessary changes to be in integrity with my commitment."
Shirley looks forward to helping you find more sparks of joy and happiness in your deserve it!
Transformational Coaching - Change your mind, change your life. $50.00 an hour paid via PayPal
You must use the contact page on to request coaching. Or you can email me direct at choosejoyandbehappy@gmail. Please put COACHING in the subject line.
You will never be the same if you do the work to transform your is so worth it.
John 8:32 (NIV) "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Could not say it better myself!
"Joy is the net of love by which you can catch souls...A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love." Mother Teresa
"If we were talking to you on your first day here we would say, "welcome to planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be or do or have. And your work here - your lifetime career - is to seek joy." Abraham, via Easter Hicks
by Shirley Sparks
Why is it so hard to find our Truth and decide to do whatever it takes to live from it?
Are we afraid of what other people might think?
Are we afraid that we cannot take care of ourselves independently?
Are we afraid that we might look odd to others?
Are we afraid we might have to change our story to a positive story and in the process loose our false identity?
Are we afraid to buck the system?
Are we afraid to relinquish our tribal beliefs, fearing our family might reject us?
Are we afraid that we might be powerful and successful? Or we might fail.
The bottom line and the only consistent word in all of those questions is FEAR. The fear of not getting something we want, or the fear of losing something with which we have become comfortable.
My fear is that in not fully expressing myself I forfeit my wellbeing.
Quoted from Finding My Joy by Shirley Sparks
Please take a moment to visit This is a work in progress and ever expanding. You can sign up on the site and receive Monday Morning Encouragement. This is my Fine Art Photography with my words of encouragement. Use the contact form on the site to let me know if you would like transformation coaching. Or you can make your request by emailing me at, Please put in the subject line COACHING.