I was ordained a Melchizadek Priestess in 1996. The Melchizedek teachings are from the time of Christ, the Essenes and the Ancient Mystery Schools. The teachings were all done orally by Priests of the time and are to embody the frequencies of love and harmony which allows for the ability to radiate these frequencies. There is also a teaching on transmutation and receiving information through the innate wisdom of your cells. In our language today, it’s walk your talk.
In, April of 1997 I fell off a 50 foot cliff, healed in four weeks by the power and grace of God and learned the Universal Truths. I surrendered completely and learned from the masters of the Universe to heal myself, then shortly after, all my gifts were awakened to be used for our collective growth at this time using the frequencies of Truth and Universal Law from the collective consciousness and the Ancient Mystery Schools.
See my book website where you can read the first chapter of this story for free at http://www.50feetin4seconds.com
I became a Reiki Master Teacher, October, 1997. I have also spent much time in study and ceremony with native american, vedic teachings and native hawaiian shamanic teachings.
I carry the blue ray of Archangel Michael, golden ray of Christ and violet ray of St. Germain, white ray of Mother Mary, purity and innocence.
In March, 2006 I went to India and was initiated as a Oneness Facilitator (Deeksha) which empowered all these energies, especially the golden ray.
My background is in the Course In Miracles, I was trained as a Coach by Landmark Education and the Coaches Institute, San Francisco. I have studied Oneness, Consciousness and Fitness Training, Health and Nutrition during the 80’s and 90’s.
Crystalline Clearings offers an energetic clearing everyday based on your intentions. This clearing begins from the mental fields which are connected to the illusion and filled with debris that recycles from past experiences, beliefs, conditioning which have turned to thoughts, habits and patterns and moved to the field of Pure Potential. Live in freedom without being distracted by the past any longer. Begin to live your dreams today!
~ 15 min laser coaching session ~ when you feel stuck or sluggish
~ and, a twice monthly private group coaching call to share, inspire and learn some helpful techniques.
Every Word is a Prayer
Pain is an acryonym: Pay Attention Inside Now
Love Comes in Many Forms
Shazna (the 'z' is silent)
Shazna/Sheryl Jai
262 Grant St #A
Ashland, Or 97520