International speaker, columnist, multiple-award-winning author, marketing consultant and copywriter Shel Horowitz specializes in win-win green, ethical strategies that lower costs, boost profits, and have potential customers calling YOU. Six of his eight books cover marketing. Five of those six have won awards, sold rights to foreign publishers, and/or made at least one category bestseller list at Amazon--including his latest, Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green (Wiley, 2010, co-authored with Jay Conrad Levinson). Shel is the founder of the International Association of Green Marketers. His syndicated monthly column, Green and Profitable, appears in publications across the globe; his award-winning blog has covered the intersections of sustainability, ethics, marketing, media, and politics since 2004. He has been both a marketer and environmental activist since the 1970s.
Shel's been featured repeatedly in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, and elsewhere. An expert on green, ethical, and effective marketing, he's been using social media marketing all the way back to 1995; since 1996, it has brought in the majority of his income. Shel speaks frequently on green and ethical marketing and business success through ethics and green principles, as well as on social media and book publishing.
On the activist side, Shel got his first taste of victory in the early 1970s, when he got involved in a successful effort to block Con Edison's proposed nuclear power plant two miles north of New York City. He has been an organizer for many environmental and social causes since then. In 1999, he organized a successful mass movement to stop a very inappropriate mountaintop housing development that all the "experts" said couldn't be stopped. He's also the founder of the international Business Ethics Pledge.
He has solarized his 1743 farmhouse in Hadley, Massachusetts, where he continues to influence environmental issues as a member of the town's Long Range Plan Implementation Committee. He's married to novelist D. Dina Friedman and has two children.