“Key Steps to Prosperity and Wealth”
Shari knows money. She also knows that people face all kinds of barriers to success. There is a serious lack of understanding about money, and a serious lack of money education. Shari has been a licensed financial advisor since 1997.
She teaches all aspects of financial planning but then adds a deeper component. She is dedicated to educating people and using basic money principles to create sustainable success in their lives. Shari delves into our emotional, physical, and spiritual issues with money. She helps us discover our money beliefs, allows us to talk money in a safe and judgment-free environment, and she helps us develop our own personal money map and to stay accountable to our goals.
At the start of a new year comes a conviction that you want to change and make this year a better year. Money is usually always in that equation in some form or another. When you hear the words ‘Financial Planning’ does it make you cringe – or do you think it will be too hard? I want to help you change your thoughts about money – I want to empower you to take control. So many people give their power away to money. If you are ready to take charge – then this is the year for you.
The truth is – money is a concept; a concept that comes with a lot of baggage for most. When you have the belief that money is good or bad or even that wanting it is good or bad – this may be holding you back from having wealth.
How would you feel if I told you that any financial problem you may have has nothing to do with dollars and cents? It’s really what is going on inside of you and not what’s in your bank account. Wealth and abundance are something that all of us can have.
Shari hold seminars and workshops to help you gian control of your relationship with money once and for all!
Money is paradoxical – because as scary as it might be - it is pleasing and usefulto us; we want more of it, and we like to have it around. Money is critical and necessary to our survival, and yet we have this belief that understanding money is somehow beyond us…
If it’s only money, why do we have so much trouble with it?
Money is not as mysterious or as powerful as you have been led to believe.
The truth is that being afraid of money is like being afraid of the air you breathe – you cannot do without it.
You must learn about it, get to know about it, and begin to use it and not it you.
Dear Friend,
Would you like to release all stress around money once and for all?
Would you like to create the financial freedom that allows you to have everything you wanted?
Does this sound familiar?
$ Talking about money makes you feel uncomfortable.
$ You are losing hours and hours of sleep worrying like crazy about money. Night after night you lay awake asking yourself how you’re going to pay the bills, how will you get enough money to get the things you desire.
$ You feel afraid, and maybe a little bit of guilt, embarrassment and anxiety about money.
$ You’re sick and tired of being overwhelmed, feeling like you are on a treadmill that you can’t get off.
$ You invest in everyone else except for yourself.
Well, I’ve got GREAT news for you – you are SO in the right place right now!My name is Shari Molchan, and I’m your secret Money Momentum weapon. Why? Because I’ve been there, I’ve lived it, and I know it will work for you!! In fact, Money is not as mysterious or as powerful as you have been led to believe. You must learn about it, get to know about it, and begin to use it and not it you. Here is what I have seen in my practice and why I am here talking to you about money… ** I have found that people feel ashamed that they have not saved for ‘retirement’ and then they believe that there is something wrong with them and so they better hide this big secret from the rest of the world because it so humiliating or embarrassing.** Well the cure for shame is to start talking about some of the secrets and the fears that are in your way. But that doesn’t happen. So why don’t we talk about money?$ Well for starters, most of us were never taught about money in school. Most of us didn’t have parents that openly gave us ‘guilt free’ guidance about what money is and how we can manage it effectively. Growing up there may not have been many opportunities to get in the conversation about money in an empowering way.
$ I’m here to tell you that I turned my life around 11 years ago and you can do it too!
$ One of the greatest lessons that I learned from my own journey was the awareness that the way I managed my emotional life had a direct impact on the way I managed my money. And when I COMMITTED to taking care of myself, RESPECTED my own boundaries, and TRUSTED IN my own judgment, that piece of my life that was in such a financial chaos, also started to be cared for, respected, and trusted.
I LOVE this program! It gives me the opportunity to give back to women just like you. I will help guide you to have more SELF-AWARENESS and CONFIDENCE. I guarantee it!
You’re about to embark on a journey that will improve your life immensely and…
$ You’re also about to enhance your ability to feel more confident and secure about your financial future.
$ In fact, by committing to this program, you’ve decided to join the 3% of the population that has written goals and a plan to follow them. Well done!
$ Financial planning today is different. You can’t do the same things your parents or grandparents did – we live in a different world of debit and credit cards and law-away plans, loans etc…
$ My program is designed to empower you by teaching you the ‘how to’s’ and more importantly the ‘why’s’.
$ Empowerment with money also means having the skills to save for your financial security, control overspending due to either poor budgeting practices, obsessions or habits.
I believe that the key to your success is going behind the scenes.
That means reconnecting with your values and getting to the core of your financial attitudes and beliefs. Some have been serving you well and others – well – not so much!
In my experience, failure in managing money leads to stress, depression, unhappiness, relationship failures and lack of self-confidence, so when it comes to taking charge of money, you need to make things happen for you, take ownership and be responsible for your financial outcome.
What’s my secret? Well, here it is in a nutshell –
I became my own White Knight!