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Shandor Weiss Quick Facts
Main Areas: All areas of natural health and healing Career Focus: Author, Speaker, Product Designer, Business Owner Affiliation: Pastoral Medical Association, ProVisions For Health Shandor Weiss was born in Miami, Florida in 1954, and grew up in small town on the New Jersey coast. The name, Shandor, is Hungarian, after one of his great-grandfathers. Pronounced "Shon-dor", it is a common Hungarian nickname for Alexander (the last part of the name, "xander", is spelled with a S or Sh instead of an X). Shandor is his middle name. His first name is Paul. But he goes by Shandor.
Shandor Weiss spent much of his youth roaming the woods, fields, rivers and beaches of his home town area. He developed a keen interest in Nature, and learned how to identify and prepare wild foods and herbs. His early love of Nature led him to learn about environmental issues. At the age of 15, he was accepted as a volunteer and worked for the Student Youth Conservation Corps. He decided to study to become an ecologist, and received his under-graduate degree in ecology and environmental studies from Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Shandor Weiss then moved to Berkeley, California, to study natural and holistic healing. He taught T´ai Chi Ch´uan and worked at the Berkeley Holistic Health Center. He then moved to Ashland, Oregon, in 1977, where he taught T´ai Chi and natural healing. In Ashland, Shandor Weiss worked on a book about herbs with a co-author, which was published by Rodale Press. He also started a company that made herbal blends. Wishing to further his knowledge of healing and be able to help people in a more professional way, he moved to Portland, Oregon to study naturopathic medicine and acupuncture. He completed his medical education in 1988, graduating from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine (now called the National College of Natural Medicine) and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. He also had additional training in homeopathy, environmental medicine and body-mind medicine. He returned to Ashland in southern Oregon, and started the Arura Clinic in 1989. Shandor Weiss worked for 20 years as a Naturopathic Physician and as an Acupuncturist, licensed by the State of Oregon. Currently he is not licensed as a Naturopathic Physician or as an Acupuncturist and is not providing health care services.
Shandor is also a minister of pastoral healing with the World Order of Natural Medicine Practitioners, a religious organization that promotes natural healing as a service of the clergy. www.pmai.us
Shandor Weiss served as a research consultant to the National Institute of Health’s Office of Alternative Medicine. He has written many lay and professional articles on health and has presented lectures at professional conferences, and is working on several books. In addition to writing, he enjoys reaching the public through lectures, teaching, radio and television. He has given presentations at professional conferences on homeopathy, environmental medicine and body/mind medicine, and has given many public talks on a wide variety of health topics. Shandor Weiss also enjoys designing health and medicinal products. His personal interests include Tibetan Buddhist meditation, medicine and psychology, recreation in Nature and country living at his home in the mountains of southern Oregon.
People often ask Shandor Weiss how he got involved in natural healing. He feels it came from a lifelong interest in Nature itself. Starting with a concern for the health of the planet and a plan to become a scientist working in the field of ecology, he saw more and more how planetary and personal well-being affect each other. He also saw how unnatural medicine and lifestyles and destruction of the environment are related. He then chose to work on the more personal level of holistic health and natural healing as a way to help people and the planet. His current focus in fulfilling these interests and intentions is directed towards writing articles and books and the creation of a website that offers the world's best natural health products.