Sevyn Shekinah is an Intuitive Tarot Consultant, Visionary and Writer. Unique and Eccentric. Compassionate, Highly-Sensitive and moved by deep and profound Emotion. A self-proclaimed "Mystic Philosopher", Sevyn discovered the power of Tarot in 1996 and ever since the Tarot has been a part of her. As an in-tuned Empath, as well, she is able to tap into your Energy and the Abyss of your own Subconscious Mind to bring insight and guidance into your life. Everything in life has balance. Not only will she bring insight and/or awareness to the questions you seek within your heart and subconscious, she will also bring light to the Shadows that you may hide and be ignoring. Her style is direct with a dash of "tough-love". She is not a "predictive-reader", as she stands by a Philosophy of "Free-will". She holds firmly the belief that every second of your every day life swiftly changes. Nothing is ever set because you are creating and shaping your world by your own very choices and thoughts, literally, every second. From your own free-will you control the choices you make in your own life, hence, no outcome can ever be set in stone. Being an Intuitive Tarot Consultant is her passion and life's work. Additionally, she is a member of the American Tarot Association and The Builders of the Adytum located in Los Angeles, California.
"It is all about being consciously aware of ourselves and the choices we make within our very own lives. It is about owning that Truth...owning who we are and the decisions we choose to make in life. Some people just need an outside person to put things in perspective. My job is to empower them, help bring a sense of "knowing" within their own lives, guide them to listen to their own inner-voice and show them that they are already born with a "blue-print" within them...that's what I do....and I do it through the power of Tarot"~ VII