Rosemary Noel is Spiritual Elder, Divine Feminine Energy Practitioner, Holistic Healer and Crone Goddess. She has authored over 200 self learning modules.
Rosemary began her journey over 45 years ago as a metaphysical diviner and crystal enthusiast. She discovered Reiki in 2004 and opened one of the first Reiki Online Web Stores in 2005 offering accredited, high-quality, smart and reliable reiki, metaphysical and healings services. As a holistic healer, Rosemary is a channel for and cocreates with Divine Sacred Source and divinity.
Now, world renowned as an energy channeler, Rosemary taught students in over 44 countries. Now semi-retired and Rosemary and her staff continue to provide reiki attunements and energy services distantly and look we look forward working with you!
Shame destroys your creative force and our joy... so be shameless.
A Reiki attunement or energy empowerment is simply the process of making an energetic connection to the energy of a energy system. Attunements are energy transmissions which enhance and increase your personal vibrational frequency, thus enhancing your spiritual development. This energy "matches" the energy of the system and allows you to activate each function specifically. Once you have received that dose of energy, your body and spirit will recognize this energy and gives you easy access to the energy stream from Eternal Sacred Source which is the energy stream of that particular energy System.