Rose Forbes is a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Nutrition Consultant. She has studied natural health and wellness for over 13 years and read over 200 books about Health and Nutrition. Rose works with individuals and families to determine the best approach for eating well. Every client is considered unique and a holistic philosophy that addresses the whole person is applied to each analysis.
Rose is proud member of the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the American Holistic Health Association.
Rose’s passion for natural health and holistic living began in her 20’s as she battled chronic yeast infections (candiasis), back-of-the-head headaches (they couldn’t be diagnosed, so were labeled as “hypochondria”) low energy (adrenal fatigue) and a weak immune system that gave way to constant colds, flus, joint aches and low back pain (herniated disks). Years of eating the S.A.D. (Standard American Diet), popping over-the-counter and prescription medications to mask symptoms and make it through one more day and getting all the recommended vaccinations had started to take their toll. She knew that something had to be available to relieve her health challenges. Taking control of her own well care has been the most important thing she’s ever done for her longevity and quality of life.
During her continued research and work with families and children with behavioral issues including Autism spectrum, ADD, ADHD, and sensory issues, Rose has developed a special interest in the link between Food and Behavior for adults and children. The link between what we eat and how we act is apparent in detecting food allergies and intolerances.
Rose has been an active community leader. Her diverse contributions include:
~ Founder and Executive Director- Families for Natural Living and Attachment Parenting, Brevard County, FL
~ Parent Educator- PACES and BCC Lab School, IL and FL
~ Committee Leader- La Leche League, Chicago, IL
~ Organizer and Event Planner- Vaccination Education Conferences, Brevard County, FL
~ Director- Municipal Charter Schools Board, Palm Bay, FL
~ President- EarthSave/Healthy Planet of Brevard, FL
~ Committee Member- Buncombe County School Nutrition Advisory Council, and Healthy Buncombe, NC
~ PTA Executive Committee- Buncombe County, NC
Rose has been married to Jack for 17 years and has 3 daughters, 3 dogs and 2 cats. She has participated in cleansing and detoxification rituals on many occasions. She has explored various ways to eat including being a vegetarian, vegan, raw foodist, a follower of Hallelujah Acres, Weston-Price and macrobiotics and currently as a balanced omnivore. Her well-rounded personal experience gives her a unique perspective of how eating and proper nutrition affects health.
She has merged her passion for cooking and nutrition as the owner of Green Mountain Bed and Breakfast in Asheville, North Carolina - an Organic, Natural and "Green" B & B offering Health and Cleansing Retreats.
Rose’s Philosophy on Eating:
My philosophy for life is moderation. If you eat right 80% of the time, the 20% that you don’t eat right will not make a big impact. There are no secrets, magic potions, tricks or quick fixes on the road to good health. It takes time and commitment.
In order to be well, you must address the Body, Mind and Soul. Your physical body, your emotional state of mind and your spiritual state are an awesome team that work together to maintain wellness. There is such a strong connection between the mind and body. Learning to change the way you think and speak to yourself will have a great deal to do with your healing process. A combination of natural food, meditation, fasting, cleansing, exercise and journaling can lead you to your highest good. Eat healthy, move more, shop smart and think clear!
My Nutrition Philosophy has been greatly influenced by many excellent nutrition professionals. The most substantial contributions to my approach have been made by Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Doris Rapp. I've included a comprehensive resources link to help you further research holistic health and nutrition on your own.
I believe that there is no one diet that can be right for all people. Diet fads rarely result in sustained lifestyle changes. Metabolic Typing is the guiding principle I use because it is personalized based on each individual's unique metabolism.
Weight loss in particular can be tricky. Most fad diets have you restricting calories to lose weight. It’s true that the simple equation of calories in minus calories burned equals your final weight. Eat more calories, move less, gain more weight. Eat less calories, move more, lose weight. A calorie may be a calorie in the short term, but I believe it’s more important in the long term to consider the quality of the calories more than just the number itself. You must consider the nourishment to every cell in your body to know that a Twinkie calorie can’t be equated with a carrot calorie.
Regardless of who you are, what you do or what your health challenges are right now, you can move towards health, healing, recovery and wholeness and away from disease.
One quote I've always appreciated is "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got." If that hasn't worked for you so far, it's time to try something new. Make an appointment today!
Rose Forbes
Green Mountain Bed and Breakfast
The Nutrition Makeover
64 Laurel Cove Road, Candler, NC 28715