Ron White is without question the nation's #1 Memory Expert and is one of the tops in the world. He competed in the 2009 USA Memory Championship and brought home the gold medal. He competed against 51 other mental athletes and was the last man standing. In the process of winning the tournament Ron set two new national records. He memorized a 167 digit number in 5 minutes and a deck of shuffled cards in only 1 minute and 27 seconds. Both are new national records and Ron is the only person to hold 2 national memory records in the United States.
Ron has given his talk all over the world in countries including Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, The Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Belgium and even Nebraska. He has appeared on Good Morning America, the CBS Evening news with Katie Couric, the nationally televised CBS Early Show, FOX, NBC and newspapers across the country from the New York post to the Dallas Morning News. He has been the guest on over 200 radio programs and is the author of over a dozen CD albums and books. In every talk Ron shares that he is no different from anyone and everyone can learn how to improve their memory.
Ron White’s Super Advanced Brain Athlete Package is his most comprehensive brain building package. It includes his trademark Memory in a Month program along with exciting new memory training videos, books, speed reading and more. Harness the brain power that few ever experience. This will not only give you the youthful brain that you desire it will give you the brain you never had!
Memory in a Month is the basic core to all 3 packages.This program is 6 CDs and you work through it for 10 minutes a day for 30 consecutive days. You will learn all the basic skills needed to catapult your memory to the next level – names, numbers, memorize chapters of books, foreign languages, give speeches without notes, math formulas, study for tests and much more!
How to Develop The Mind of Einstein 6 CD album
This series not only educates you in examining the person and life of Albert Einstein (great learning for you fans of history and biographies), it also will entertain you and most importantly it will give you strategies and ideas on how to improve your thinking, skills, relationships, time management and more.
Listen to the entire 6-CD set in one day and you’ll not only be fascinated and inspired by the facts and life of Albert Einstein, but also come away with priceless insights and ideas to implement immediately!
Ron has taken an in-depth look in an attempt to understand and learn from one of the greatest minds of all time, Albert Einstein. Although it is not an attempt to understand scientific theories, mathematical formulas or general relativity; it is an in-depth look at how one of the greatest minds of all time responded to simple life matters and the lessons to be learned.