Here is my bio written in 50 words (a little exercise I designed for my clients):
50 word bio - Robert Monteux
I've been:
a Dancer ... a Salesman
a Teacher ... a Manager
a BFA ... an MBA
a Choreographer ... a Consultant
a Hypnotist ... a Coach
I love helping people and organizations move.
I love the process of creating.
My Philosophy:
* to be Happy
* to Create you life
* to nourish The Artist Inside
Hi, my name is Robert Monteux, creator of The Mind Dance System(tm). As a professional ballet dancer turned hypnotherapist and life coach, I know that doing anything, whether it's becoming a world class dancer or a world class manager, requires a plan. In dancing, choreography is that plan: in your career or personal life, you also need a plan. The Mind Dance System helps choreograph your life to your own personal music, gives you controlled practice sessions with an experienced teacher, and then allows you to soar as you perform at your best.
The Mind Dance System consists of:
1. Identifying your Music; your Music is the world you want to live in, the environment you want to create in your life and work.
2. Mapping out the Steps; the plan, the actions you need to take to create a life and work that will come alive inside your Music.
3. Rehearsing those steps in a safe environment with a supportive coach; practicing the skills you need, internalizing them, and visualizing successful achievement.
4. Taking the center stage as the star performer in your life! Producing professional results, attaining excellence, making your life into a work of art.
This system can be applied to any area of your life: career enhancement, achieving personal goals, improving relationships, increased sports performance -- any area of your life that you want to invite onto your personal stage. I will train you to be in control of your life at all times, mastering the thoughts in your mind as a dancer masters the steps to a complicated piece of choreography. As a hypnotist, I can make it happen faster using the power of your subconscious! No dancing shoes required: just an open mind and a desire to succeed!
Visit my website at or contact me directly at mainehypnocoach(at) for more information about how The Mind Dance Coaching System can help in your life and career.
Stop by my website at or visit my blog at, and then feel free to drop me an email with any questions.