Dr. Bob Flower is a General Systems Specialist who helps individuals, groups and companies blast through the barriers that impede them from their goals.
Author of three books on the Science of Achievement, “Dr. Bob” Flower is offers a new perspective on how to overcome our obstacles to success. A successful entrepreneur, Robert Flower expanded his interests to uncover the dynamics of natural systems. He has applied his expertise to uncovering the building blocks of human understanding and achievement.
Dr. Flower has traveled the world to discover how people in many cultures, both contemporary and ancient, have achieved the unimaginable. His system of “Natural Intelligence” allows us to unharness our potential from the artificial constraints we have erected and reach new levels of achievement.
Dr. Flower owns several successful investment and management businesses. He holds a doctorate in Organizational and Systems Sciences. He hosts a weekly local Cable TV show in addition to a weekly stock market\economic prediction internet feature called The Master Pattern Report. He is a frequent guest lecturer including two lectures at the United Nations on the Achievement Sciences. He has conducted many "Decoding Potential" workshops and webinars. He also is Director of the Gilchrist Institute for the Achievement Sciences.
Dr. Flower is available for speaking engagements and workshops.
"With N2L (Natural Intelligence), you effectively eliminate wishful thinking, illusion and hype. Knowledge, which comes through facts and scientific experimentation, doesn't depend on anyone's moral, religious, or emotional states of mind. Rather, it depends on predictable, observable characteristics. This approch to seeking knowledge has proved phenomenally productive in problem solving and conflict resolution."
- Robert J. Flower
"When you die, God will ask just one question: "What did you do with what I gave you?"
- Robert J. Flower
"(Robert Flower) has developed a system which ancient and contemporary thinkers were unable to...that puts him in some very unique company."
- Dr. Derald Langham, Award-Winning Geneticist
Robert Flower's Natural Intelligence System (N2L) provides a new approach to maximizing your potential and overcoming life obstacles. Dr. Flower's three books provide a model for analyzing and understanding your personal impediments to success and formulating a plan for success. Dr. Flower is available for