What sets Rennie apart from others in the financial services area is that he has gone from the bottom to the top (more than once). He has owned multiple businesses and held most of the financial industry licenses and professional designations. More importantly, he walks his talk. Following the same steps in his award winning, best-selling book, Wealth On Any Income, Rennie became a multi-millionaire in less than 10 years starting from broke at age 50.
Rennie lives on his investment income and donates 100% of his book, training and coaching profits to www.ShelterToSoldier.org where dogs are rescued from deadly environments and trained as service animals for post 9/11 soldiers who have returned with Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI).
Wealth is a Team sport, not a Solo sport. You cannot buy a good reputation; you can only earn it. If you are a good person before you become wealthy, you will be a good person when you are rich. You will not become financially free by becoming debt free. Parents cannot teach what they don’t know. Pay yourself first: It’s worked for 5000 years. More money does not solve a problem of mismanagement.
To learn more about me and see testimonials, go to www.WealthOnAnyIncome.com