Hi, I’m Renée Brown! I am the creator of VISUALIZE 123, a system that teaches you to harness the power of focus using a visualizing process based on Law of Attraction. This system is simple to learn - you can complete the self-study program in less than an hour, then spend only 15 minutes per day for amazing - real - results.
If you have been searching for a way to combine spiritual focus with an action plan for achieving your goals – this is it!
For a free introduction, visit my blog: www.ZENandZEST.com.
For complete details, please go to my website: www.Visualize123.com
As a lifetime student of metaphysics, my special talent is designing Law of Attraction focus groups with tools that provide laser-like clarity, empowering you to implement concepts immediately with fast, effective results. I have served as Chaplain and Youth Director in the Unity church, and I have facilitated Master Mind groups, both spiritually focused and in business.
My passion as a Visualizing Coach is creating products and services that empower people to embrace their true worthiness, their Spiritual Core, and from that empowered state, live with greater joy - embracing vibrant, successful endeavors in every dimension of life.
I would love to hear from you!
Please contact me by email: renee@nJOYproductions.com
Or by leaving a comment on my blog: wwwZENandZEST.com
Life is precious ~ Live N Joy ;-)