Pixie Stevenson is a life recovery coach who empowers her clients to work through challenging life changes, relationship crises, and spiritual transformations. Pixie uniquely combines coaching, personal development, energy psychology, spiritual principles and recovery processes to help her clients overcome and release their core issues to create new openings for success.
"I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy." Rabidranath Tagore
To learn more about finding personal power intimes of change, please visit www.enigmawellness.com or visit www.cedarhillmassage.com for information on mind/body therapy.
Pixie Stevenson
Greater Seattle, WA
Phone: 614-562-6806
Email: pixie@enigmawellness.com
Skype: pixie.stevenson