I have been doing practical Nature conservation work locally since 1990 to look after the habitats of wildlife endangered through climate change & the other defects of the economic system.
Learning how to get our brains to work for us instead of subcoming to the social conditioning for failure. Using tapping & NLP to resolve the limiting beliefs that our BS (Built-up Stories) & education system created.
Learning about the difference between assets and liabilities via cashflow games & seminars.
How to invest for cashflow for higher returns that are safer than the banks.
I have been to different sminars & got DVD rights to Money Masters
World Internet Summit
Frank Garon Retire this year
and the Millionaire Makers Bournmouth seminar
and learnt about Trading shares & options
property investment
tax saving
personal delevopment
membership sites
niche marketing
and Recieving coaching on web site development
Do what normal or average people do and you will get the same.
96% work hard all their lives to end up dead or dead broke by retirment age.
Successful people copy the experts and move towards their goal despite dought & fear.
The stock market only exists to transfer money from the uninformed to those who know how to manage risk. Ie risk only 1% of your trading fund on any one trade and enter when the bars are small & a stop loss below the recent support with the potential reward at least 3* the potential loss.